Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Role of agnikarma in pain management

Pain can be described as physical suffering or discomfort cause by illness or injury. Now a day’s people are spending huge amount of money for treatment of pain. Still the results are not satisfactory, by taking modern treatment relief is temporary and side effects are more. People are expecting positive result from ayurveda. So, to overcome this situation acharayas has directly mentioned Agnikarma as one of the best para-surgical procedure diseases like Grighrasi and any painful condition arised by vata dosha vitiation. Like other pathies there is no reoccurrence of diseases treated by Agnikarma i.e. Roga apunarbhava. Agnikarma is cost effective procedure and no specific setup is required. This can be easily employed in our day to day practice with better result.

Dr. Sharma Divya Deepak, Dr Jondhale Prakash and Dr Bhushan Vikram Vir
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