Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is an important commercial crop and the sugar industry is the second largest agro-based industry in the country. It is mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropical region of India. Balanced nutrition is one of the critical components in augmenting crop production and among the nutrients; potassium is an important element contributing to production and quality of sugarcane. Application of potassium plays an important role in translocation of sugar in plants, starch formation, chlorophyll development and promotion of photosynthesis, prevention of premature cell death, stomatal opening and closure and uptake of water. Further, it was also observed to improve purity of juice, sucrose content and sugar yields, with reduction in fibre per cent. Potassium must be kept adequate to produce optimum yields and to regulate maturity so that maximum sugar is recovered from the millable stalks. The research findings on various aspects of potassium in sugarcane are reviewed.