Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Socio-economic analysis for the impact of adoption & diffusion of major vegetable crop (onion) improve seeds at jebel marra rural development project- central darfur state-Sudan

This study was carried out from 2012- 2014 at Jebel Marra rural development Project (Central Darfur State)-Sudan. To assess the impact of grassroots participation on how it facilitates the adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations packages (improved onion seeds). As well as how personal characteristics equipped impact on adoption and diffusion of new technology packages transferred among the targeted population. To achieve the objectives of this study, the area were divided into three clusters: Zalingei, Wadi Salih and Nyertete respectively. Targeted farmers were selected followed: accidental simple random sampling due to security situation. Beside geographical division for the purpose of questionnaire distribution and filled by 200 farmers. Who constitute 10% of the sample size to represent the studded population at the (State Level)? To who were mostly internally displace persons (IDPs), in camps due to Darfur Crisis since (2003). Observation field visits and market survey was used during the study was followed up. Data analyzed used, Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS), table’s repeatability and percentages. The results were discussed with comprehensive interpretation and summarized comments. Study revealed that three over four of the targeted farmers are men while before (JMRDP) intervention in1980, onion growers were predominantly women. Therefore, further studies and researches are needed to develop strategies encouraging women effective participation in adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations packages practices. In addition to agricultural lands is under the lease systems that reduced women participation in agricultural practices. The study showed that the area of onions agricultural land was expanded and the agricultural inputs prices were gradually increased mainly onion improved seeds. In addition to irrigation tools and cultivation of land preparations taxes was increase due to mechanized system introduced instate of man power before by using hand digging hoe (touria). The outcome of the study identified the gap of assets which is difficult to psoriasis by population self-reliant. This study reviewed the literature of project and focused on the impact community participation in the adoption and diffusion of agricultural technologies, on its historical long run operated background benefited the study succession. The identification of the role of the major farmers (key informant) whom they hold and handling what they learn previously as a new technology from the JMRDP specialist concern adoption and diffusion tool as important element, for identifying and alleviating the constraints affecting adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations. The study used community participation element and analyzed the role of farmers in knowledge transferred and skilled learned. This study showed that successful technology adopted and transferred is dependent on the equipped of wide range of factors, the most important being the network of research centers, training and development farmers groups that come from origin villages background and indigenous knowledge. Farmers’ characteristics like sex, farm size and land ownership. Access promotion of information, environmental awareness, membership in local groups, and utilization of social networks emerge as some of the variables that are more often positively associated with adoption of technologies. Likewise complexities of technologies, labour constraints, and weak policies have negative and significant influences on the technology transferred. The study recommended that farmer’s adoption rates will be improved by subsidies on strengthening influential farmers’ networks and promoting technology into communities with genuine support and supervision from the government institutional and intervention of university extension, research centers and contact farmers partnership. The study also recommended that farmers were knowledgeable enough to continue and hold transferring technologies to the others counterparts, including newly acquired knowledge and expertise through their participation in the activities and programs of the Jebel Marra Rural development project which they received from their previous rural resettlement sites or origin villages. Finally, the study recommended that: social analysis for women group as gender analysis is requested to strengthen their role on agriculture. Assessing policies and formulating new technology that environmentally, socially accepted like Jebel Marra Animal Traction (JMAT) Donkey Plough. The continuations of financial support were requested for the project. On the other hand promotion and develop the principles, methods that raise up the efficiency of work and strive to provide improved onion seeds production locally as well as means of irrigation and pest control materials with agricultural research funding opportunities to expand and bring out an ideal development with tingable results on the grassroots level of the rural community to promote their welfare on the base of worldwide standards and measurements.

Abduelsalam Gumaa Abduelaziz, Hussein Mohamed Badawi, Fteemaezzeldin and Mohammed Abdallah Teabin
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