Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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The some parameters of full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance and the quantity of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen atoms in donator molecules

We revealed the following lawfull relationship existed between the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body and CxHyOz + (x + y/4 - z/2) O2 → x CO2 + (y/2) H2O formula: The quantity of the released CO2 in the 2-th stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body is equal to Cx existed in the donator molecules as CxHyOz. The quantity of the O2 participated in the 7-th stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body directed to the formation of metabolic water in the mitochondrian matrix as oxidation of proton by molecular oxygens i.e, protonatized by matrix proton is existed in close dependence with the quantity of CxHy in reverse dependence with the quantity Oz contained in the donator molecules as CxHyOz. The quantity of the metabolic H2O formed by oxidation of proton by molecular oxygens and by protonation of molecular oxygen by matrix proton in the 7- th stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human is existed in close dependence with the quantity of Hy contained in the donator molecules as CxHyOz.. The quantity of the CO2 entered from all cells and excaleted from body through alveoli (the release carbon dioxide during exhalation) in the 9- th stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body is existed in close correlation with Cx existed in the donator molecules as CxHyOz. The quantity of the diffused protons from mitochondrial matrix of all cells and metabolic water entered to plasma membrane of red blood cells with participation of aquaporin protein channels is existed in close dependence with the quantity of Hy contained in the donator molecules as CxHyOz. The quantity of protons combined with hemoglobin (generation of HbH) which promotes the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, oxygen diffusion to all cells conditioning the release of proton, electron from food substrates in the 9-th stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body is existed in close dependence with the quantity of Hy contained in the donator molecules as CxHyOz.

Ambaga, M.
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