Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

A study on geology, geomorphology and soil characterization in yercaud taluk using gis technology

A basic knowledge of the geology and geomorphology of an area is very important for conducting groundwater quality studies. In general groundwater variations involves understanding the geological and geomorphological environments, advantageous for the occurrence, availability of large quantities of ground water with good quality. In the present study, geology and geomorphological map of the Yercaud taluk was prepared Survey of India (SOI) map and the year of (1972). Since large part of the study area is inaccessible, remotely sensed data have played an important role in detailed mapping. The study area is mainly over the Archaean crystallines rocks, and the ground water occurrence under pharetic conditions in the weathered and fractured zones of the hard-rock aquifers. The area is made up of high grade of Archaean age, comprising Charnockite group. The Charnockite group occupying the Shevaroy hills is altered to bauxite and laterite. The geology of spatial distribution units as identified and delineated on the remotely sensed data are grouped under three types. Charnockite, Dolerite and Ultramafics.

Selvakumar, P., Shanthi, D. and Sankar, K.
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