Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Towards feminism through human rights education

Right means a legal entitlement to something or someone. Human Right is a birth right of individual men and women to basic freedom such as freedom of speech, association, education, etc..,. They are fundamental and non transferable for every human being and consideration as essential for a person living as a human being. Human Rights are possessed by Human Being irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion, nationality, sex, color, etc. Any right relating to life, liberty, equality, dignity and that is guaranteed by the provisions of Indian Constitution are Human Rights. Present Era focuses more on Gender Equality and initiates more Schemes and opportunities for women. It is made compulsory in colleges to study Human Rights as a Subject. The researcher conducted a study among the Post Graduate Students of Sacred Heart College who learn Human Rights as a Subject to know the impact of studying it as a subject and whether it contributes towards feminism. The study was done using Descriptive Research Design with thirty samples. Analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science in which Single frequency, Bivariate analysis, chi -square test and t- test was used.

Lisa, E.
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