Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Traditional games and sports of special hilly tribe called Toto community

Traditional games and sports can form the backbone of a community which are the part of intangible heritage and a symbol of the cultural diversity of our societies. They are also an efficient means to convey values of solidarity, diversity, inclusiveness and culture which form an integral part of national and development strategies. Moreover, they reflect on different cultural expressions, and create a bridge between cultures for a better mutual comprehension. Most of the traditional games and sports, expressions of indigenous cultures and ways of life contributing to the common identity of humanity, have already disappeared and those that are surviving are threatened of imminent disappearance and extinction under the combined effect of globalization and harmonization of the rich diversity of world sport heritage. Among many communities under schedule tribe in India like Santal, Munda, Lodha, Lepcha etc; Toto Community is one of them, live in Totopara- a tiny Himalayan hamlet is situated in the Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, India. The village is situated at the foothills of Bhutan-Himalayas along the Indo-Bhutan border in Indian Territory, the geographical location is on the Latitude 890 20’ and Longitude 260 5’. They also have some distinctive features like others. Between the third and the fifth decades of nineteenth century they had to pass through a critical time, besides this with the death of their elderly people, their cultural heritage and traditional games and sports also have disappeared almost. But still now some traditional games and sports of their own are remained, namely- karam puja, gella chutt, tir-dhonuh khela(archery), rope playing, mallya youddha(wrestling), lota khela, stone throwing, dun-ggully, beja khela etc. But these traditional games and sports of Toto Community are less practiced by them, presently and these are almost disappeared.

Mrinal Das and Dr. Kallol Chatterjee
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