Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Water Quality Assessment Of Groundwater Samples In Bobbili Region, Andhrapadesh, India

Water being an excellent solvent tends to dissolve the minerals in the geological system.The importance of the hydrochemical analysis underlies the fact that the chemistry of the ground water can directly be rated with the source of water, climate, and geology of the region. In this paper chemical analysis of the ground water has been carried out for Bobbili region in Andhra pradesh. There are eleven water quality variables (SO42-,Cl, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO3-, TH, and pH),electrical Conductance and Total Dissolved Solids were selected for this analysis. In this paper water quality parameters were analyzed using statistical methodsand Water quality modeling software surfer, Aquachem and ArcGIS9.1 was used to analyze data set. The hydrochemical analysis of the water samples has shown that it is free from certain anomalies and the water is suitable for human and cattle consumption. However, the presence of certain degree of anions indicates that the ground water in the study area is facing stress which could change the quality of the water in the near future.

Sathish Mohan, B., Jagadeesh Babu, M., Jhansi Rani, S. and SatyaSree, G.
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