Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and nutrient uptake in tomato

A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2013-14 at Tomato Improvement Scheme, Department of Horticulture MPKV., Rahuri to determine the influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth yield and quality parameters of tomato hybrid Phule Raja. Results revealed that there was significant influence of combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth parameters, and yield contributing characters and nutrient uptake. The application of T3 (GRDF 300: 150:150 kg NPK and 20 t FYM ha-1) gave hightest value of plant height (147.00cm), No. of fruits per plant (42.62), average weight of fruit (86.33 g) yield per plant (2.54 kg/ pl). The quality parameters viz., TSS, Acidity, Total Sugars, Reducing sugars, Non reducing sugars, sugar: acid ratio etc were found to be non significant. The residual soil fertility in respect to organic carbon were improved significantly by various treatments . The organic carbon (0.62 %) were found highest in treatment T3(GRDF 300:150: 150 kg NPK and 20 t FYM ha-1) Total nutrient uptake of nitrogen (98.50 kg ha-1), phosphorus (49.70kg ha-1), potassium (123.30 kgha-1), fe (201.94 mg kg-1),Mn (39.50 mg kg-1), cu (46.13 mg kg-1) and zn (51.67 mg kg-1) by tomato plant recorded significantly highest by the application of T3(GRDF 300:150: 150 kg NPK and 20tFYM ha-1)

Avhad, A.B., Kshirsagar, D.B., Shinde, S.R. and Bhalekar, M.N.
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