Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Fish import model for nigeria: a case for self-sufficiency

The study examined the dynamic relationship between fish import and macroeconomic variables for self- sufficiency in Nigeria, for the period of 1980 – 2015. Using (A dynamic error correction model) as an analytical tool, this paper examines empirically the relationship between fish import and macroeconomic variables. The study made use of secondary data and examined time series characteristics of the variables selected to avoid the problems of spurious correlation often associated with non-stationary time series. In order to achieve linearity, logarithmic calculations were used to examine the variables. It was established that the price elasticity of import obtained (-0.041) indicates, currency depreciation may likely produce an effective result in reducing the demand for fish import. The paper recommends that the government and other relevant agency should apply a restrictive allocation of foreign exchange allocation to fish import subsector to check fish importation.

OGUNBADEJO Hussain Kehinde, Olajide Omolola Titilayo, WANOGHO Owegbe Akpughe
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