Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Image Steganography Revolution

This paper investigates current state-of-the-art image steganography methods and tools. Following todays growth in Internet computing and its interference in our life, the necessity for confidentiality and personal communication has raised. Its mandatory in digital communication to have privacy when secret data is being shared among two structure via the computer communication. Current technologies like cryptography propose a solution by scrambling the confidential information such that it cannot be read by anyone else except the intended recipient. On the other hand, the problem of encryption is that cryptographic is poor of logical sense and easy to realized as the significance of the communication is highlighted. Several hidden data can pull undue awareness from eavesdropper, which is a threat for private and confidential communication. Also, the nature of cryptographic causes lost of privacy and confidentiality. All of those facts caused worry for those people who wish to have private and confidential communication.

Abdalla A. Ramah Al Enzi and Prof. Dr. Putra Sumari
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