Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Truscreen - An optoelectronic device with real - Time results a new technology for cervical cancer screening

Background: Truscreen is a portable system used to directly identify cancer or pre-cancerous cells in cervical tissue. Truscreen uses low levels of electric signals and light to examine the cervix by gently touching the surface of the cervix with a hand-held wand. The system comprises a hand piece, console and single use sensor (SUS).The hand piece uses advanced electro-optical biosensors to measure the response of cervical tissue to light together with tissue capacitance. Unlike cytology, Truscreen does not only examine surface epithelial cells. With the aim of to screen the Cervix with truscreen for detection of Pre - cancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix to minimize morbidity, mortality, to advance the health and to improve the quality of life of women. An ongoing pilot study was conducted at Govt. Maternity Hospital; Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, with duration of 3 months (August to October 2008) by including 50 porous women were screened and within the Age group between 25-55 yrs. Both the truscreen and pap-smear cases are totally 100. But here now we are tabulated only truscreen positive cases (10).On comparison of truscreen and pap screen study we found 12 % pickup rate is more with truscreen and 71.4 % sensitivity observed with truscreen. Truscreen device is a simple, easy, non-invasive, primary screening tool with immediate results. Time saving and high sensitivity is observed with truscreen in the present study. Even though the truscreen is having high pickup rate and immediate results it is expensive and suitable only for certain affordable groups. In 3rd world countries like India because of non-affordability of all groups of women we are unable to advice for mass screening.

Dr. Agnes Vijaya, U., Purushothama Reddy, K., Srinivasullu, M. and Abd Srinivasulu and Mallesh, M.
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