Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

‘New life’ begins with The internet!

Currently, computers and the internet are two “things” that cannot be separated. Computers have become “information management centers”. Information is received, stored, retrieved, processed and then exchanged (shared) everywhere. The question of where the information is obtained and then shared means nothing if there is no such thing as the ‘internet’. Does the computer have to be in the form of a ‘Personal Computer, PC?”, ‘Note Book’ or ‘Laptop’. No. The android phone that we hold (we call it a “cell phone”) is also a computer. Cell phones also utilize the internet. So, internet services, with the help of computers, are what allow everyone to communicate centrally. We call all these centralized facilities ‘Computer Mediated Communication’ (CMC).

Alo LIliweri
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Journal Area: 
Social Sciences and Humanities