Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

February 2025

Domenick M. Mortella, Kathlyn Keith Valencia, Joshua Salavaria, and Nora C. Cabaral-Lasaca

Azolla, a protein-rich aquatic fern, plays a vital role in goat nutrition due to its high digestibility and nutritional value and were utilized as a dietary protein source on the digestibility, milk yield, and milk quality of lactating upgraded...

Keerthana, C. and Dr. Suja Suresh

The aim of this study is to assess the level of knowledge regarding government schemes available for geriatrics among elderly individuals residing in rural areas. The objective of the study was To assess the level of knowledge about geriatric...

Mohd Avaish Khan, Aniket Gupta and Srivaramangai R

HID attacks have gradually made up as one of the major cyberspace threats that currently exist as far as current exploitations by decent operating systems are concerned, intended only for trusting USB devices. The attacks included the use of...

Moussa Camara, Mamoudou Touré, Haba Siba, Mahamat Batran Mouta, Ousmane Fanta Camara1and Moustapha Thiame

In this work, thanks to 3D modelling, we were able to express the effective broadcast length as a function of dimensions (x, y) of crystal, loss rate at the limits of x and y, temperature and magnetic field, based on the distribution of carriers...

AMBETO Aimé Simplice Christophe, FERNANDES BALOU Gabin, MANDOUMOU Paulin, MABASSA David Sylvain, ITOUA OKEMBA Jean and EWAMELA Aristide

The student's motor engagement reflects his personal investment in achieving a goal that he has set for himself, or that has been assigned to him. The motor task is the main lever allowing the teacher to mobilize the student's resources, motivate...

Nombamba Ouéda, Koffi Essewata Bawa, Ibrahim Tchakala, Moctar Limam Bawa

Cette étude explore l'impact des eaux usées sur la pollution des nappes phréatiques susceptible à la contamination des sources d’eau de boisson. Une étude impliquant une enquête auprès des ménages et des analyses physico-chimiques et...

Maxwell Afabla Akanpee; Wisdom Harrison Kofi Hordzi and Gabriel Obeng Boatey

Despite the fact that Moringaoleifera extracts can enhance plant growth, improve yield, and increase resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses its effects on tomato plant growth have not been extensively researched. Hence, this study sought to...

Juan Saldivar-Villarroel and Raymunda Verónica Cruz-Martínez

Las estrategias de aprendizaje desempeñaron un rol fundamental en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora, particularmente en el ámbito universitario, lo que motivó la investigación de su influencia en estudiantes ingresantes. Este estudio tuvo...

Ch. Atchyutha Rao and Bujji Babu, N.

In this work, Enhanced Luminescence properties of Eu3+doped Sr2CeO4 phosphor were prepared by Conventional Solid State Reaction (SSR) method. The obtained phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM...


This paper attempts to show the effect of the culture of the coopetitors on the two components of coopetition, between VSEs. Our methodology is quantitative exploratory based on data from a questionnaire administered to 652 drivers of eleven...

Dr. Seema Tripathi

This Naturopathy is a form of healthcare that combines modern treatment with traditional methods. It includes alternative, natural therapies to modern medicine. Naturopathy, is a system that uses natural substances to treat the patient. It also...

Amine Karifene, Podo Mahamat Matar, Mackaye Hassan Taϊsso, Mamadou Malloum Ahmat and Mahamat Ali Ateib

This work deals with the potential of radar and optical imagery in mapping favorable sites for gold and uranium prospecting in the departments of Abtouyour and Guéra. The objective of this work is to identify potential sites for gold and uranium...

Dr. Ambreen Rashid

This Chronic liver disease refers to a progressive condition affecting liver function due to factors like fatty liver, infections, or toxin exposure, often leading to inflammation and fibrosis. A 24-year-old male came to Dr Batra’s Panchkula...

Nnamso D. Ibuotenang, Peter O. Adigun, Solomon E. Shaibu, Utibe A. Ofon, Opeyemi K. Fatunla, Oladoja A. Awofisayo

Wetlands pharmaceutical contamination in drinking water has emerged as a critical global challenge, posing significant risks to human health and aquatic ecosystems. Pharmaceuticals enter water sources through household waste, agricultural runoff...

BANCE Victor, KABORE Idrissa, Daouda NAKENA, ZONGO Lionel Regis and OUEDA Adama

Wetlands are rare ecosystems in arid tropical regions, playing multiple ecological roles and providing multiple ecosystem services. Unfortunately, these ecosystems are increasingly subject to strong anthropogenic pressures resulting from high...

Nombamba OUEDA, Sabine W.M.F., DOAMBA and Alexandre COULIBALY

Agriculture in Burkina Faso faces a number of difficulties, including climatic constraints and poor soil conditions. Added to this is the high cost of chemical fertilizers. However, effluents such as pig slurry are multiple sources of plant...

Laxmi Yadav

This paper analyses why traditional market models, such as perfect competition,monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and duopoly, are not suitableforthe dynamics of digital business platforms. While these models were developed for traditional...

Ngendakumana Serge, Ndacayisaba Ferdinand, Joris Backaert, Bukobero Libère, Gahiro Léonidas and Habonimana Bernadette

Natural resources are facing serious degradation all over the world as a result of rapid population growth. This galloping population puts pressure on agroforestry ecosystems around the world. Yet, developing countries do not have methods to...