Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Analyses Of Anthropometric And Physiological Variables Among Mentally Challenged Players

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyses of anthropometric and physiological variables among mentally challenged players. Subjects: Eighty mentally challenged children selected from eight states (Andra Pradesh n=10, Tamil Nadu n=10, Goa n=10, Kerala n=10, Karnataka n=10, Maharashtra n=10, orisa n=10 and Pondicherry n=10) who participated in National Badminton Coaching Camp and the camp was organized in Kanteewara Stadium, Bangalore, India during the academic year 2011. The age of the subject ranged from 8-25 years as per the records. Variables: Four anthropometric (Age, Height, Weight and Chest measurement) and Three Physiological (Pulse Rate, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure) variables were taken. The instruments were Steadio meter, weighing machine, Inch tap and Spigmomanometer to use and all measurements were taken on the subject’s. Statistics: Descriptive statistics (Mean& Standard deviation) and analysis of variance ANOVA were used analyze and to find out the significant difference, if any between the (states) group for selected variables. To test the significance the level of confidence was fixed at .05. Result: There was a significant difference between various states mentally challenged players on age and height. There was no significant difference between various state mentally challenged players on Weight, Chest measurement, Pulse Rate, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure.

Jagadeeswari, S, and Sakthignanavel, D,
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