Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Attacks against biometric authentication iot system: A review, taxonomy and open challenges

Nigeria he interest in biometric technology is received much attention in the recent years. However, the security issue still persists the main challenge for the reliable functioning of biometric authentication systems (BAS). Much academic research has been reported on the vulnerabilities of biometric systems that breach the se-curity and user privacy in mobile devices. We present a high-level classication of taxonomy of attacks against BAS and discuss the severity of attacks on the BAS for mobile computing device. We present a multidimensional taxonomy of the biometric systems that includes Human factor, Software and hardware attacks, BAS threat models and countermeasures for mobile computing devices are also discussed. We point out the aws and limits of the current BAS for mobile computing devices throughout. We describe the research diculties and suggest directions for future research eorts in BAS using the present taxonomy. Our main contributions include: (1) a comprehensive taxonomy of the charac-teristics of biometrics authentication system approaches (2) systematic review of the landscape of existing biometrics authentication system approaches towards their categorization and classication, following the proposed taxonomy, for the aforementioned application domains (3) Classication of countermeasures and biometric system defences (4) Biometric authentication system failure (5) We examine the challenges of biometrics authentication system techniques and sug-gest future research paths.

Joshua Teddy Ibibo
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Journal Area: 
Physical Sciences and Engineering