Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Combined effects of pig slurry and Mineral Fertilizers on Maize yield Parameters and Physico-chemical Properties of Tropical Ferruginous Soil

Agriculture in Burkina Faso faces a number of difficulties, including climatic constraints and poor soil conditions. Added to this is the high cost of chemical fertilizers. However, effluents such as pig slurry are multiple sources of plant nutrients, and would enable more eco-responsible management of these dejecta. The study was conducted over two consecutive years at the FarakoBâ experimental station in Burkina Faso. The experimental set-up is a completely randomized fisher block. Four treatments of pig slurry was applied in varying doses, and four other treatments in which, in addition to pig slurry, mineral fertilizer was applied at differents doses. The results of the study revealed inter-annual variation in grain and dry matter yields. Grain yield varied from 4.4t.h-1 in the first year of study to 2.82 4t.h-1 in the second year of experimentation. The results of the study showed an improvement in grain and dry matter yields in treatments combining 5 ton of pig slurry with 100% of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizer. Yields reached 5.49 t.h-1. Concerning soil physico-chemical parameters, C/N values were around 10.89 in treatments with slurry inputs. On the other hand, this ratio was reached in the soil samples taken before the crop was planted. Assimilable phosphorus values improved with the addition of slurry.

Nombamba OUEDA, Sabine W.M.F., DOAMBA and Alexandre COULIBALY
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Social Sciences and Humanities