Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Cortisol level, Behavior and economics of raising pekin duck fed with fresh azolla raised under induced heat stress

With Heat stress causes detrimental effects on duck production which generate negative economic impacts. Thus, raising Pekin duck as heat stress tolerant breeds and are well-adapted to Philippine climate and feeding azolla that is well-known for its high crude protein, lysine and glutamine that can combat heat stress due to immune-modulatory effect is indeed significant alternative strategy. The study aimed to determine the stress level, behavior and economics of pekin duck fed with different levels of fresh azolla raised under induced heat stress. Significant differences among dietary treatments were analyzed using Scheffe’s Test. Findings showed that pekin ducks fed with azolla have significantly heavier final weights and lower blood and urine cortisol level. Moreover, feeding azolla did not trigger any aggressive behavior and molting and significantly reduced the feather pecking behavior. Pekin ducks fed with azolla raised under induced heat stress significantly improved the eating percentage. In general, pekin ducks provided with 50%-75% azolla have significantly higher incurred net income and ROI. Generally, provision of azolla up to 75% in dietary ration is recommended for farmer’s adaptation to improved eating habit while lowering blood and urine cortisol and reducing aggression of ducks and increase profit even under induced heat stress.

N.C. Cabaral-Lasaca and J.B. Daculio
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Journal Area: 
Life Sciences