Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Determination of fluoride and some effects on the drinking waters of some wards in Kaltungo local government areas of Gombe state Nigeria

Water is essential to life. The assessment of water quality is very important as it is often contaminated. Fluoride being one of the chemical contaminants of water causes dental fluorosis, diminishes bone strength, and causes osteosarcoma and low IQ etc. In this research, a total of 30 samples (six from each location) were collected from Kaleh-Aya, Okra, Poshereng, Popandi and Gombe (as control). The samples were analyzed for fluoride using HACH DR/2000 model spectrophotometer. The results from these ranged from 0.60±0.01 to 1.53±0.01mg/l with the exception of the control. A follow up survey on 60 families was carried out using questionnaire for mottled teeth and fracture from accident in these areas of Kaltungo Local Government Areas. The percentage of mottled teeth ranged from 30.96 to 63.20% while percentage of accident with fracture ranged from 26.09 to 68.00%. It could be concluded there that the high fluoride concentration is responsible for the dental fluoride and diminished bone strength in these areas.

Danbature, Wilson Lamayi; Fai, Frederick Yirankinyuki and Ayim, Patrick
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