Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

The Effect Of Abattoir Discharge On The Obot Okoho Stream Quality In Nassarawa Village Calabar, Nigeria

The study examined the effect of abattoir discharge on the Obot Okoho Stream. Water samples were collected for laboratory analysis and data in health related diseases were collected from the health centre located at Abenyo Health Centre. Mean values for physico-chemical parameters such as (pH, DO Temperature, turbidity, conductivity, Tss, TDS, BOD, Total coliform and feacal coliform were 65.96mg/L, 12842E3, 3.50 mg/L, 5.69 (Cfu)/100mL, 2.76/100ml respectively. Abeny Health Centre recorded a high case of cholera and typhoid diseases. The t-test showed that there was a significant difference in water quality of Obot Okoho Stream between the upstream and the downstream sections of the abattoir. Waste discharge impacted negatively on the water body at 0.05 significant levels. The recommended that government should ensure that adequate waste disposal system are provided to reduce the negative impact of the waste discharge on the environment.

Eni, D. Imoke, Etu, S. James, Oka, P. Onen
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