Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Experimental study of the performance of a box-type solar cooker with four reflectors

Cooking is a transformation technique (preparation) by exposure to heat. This heat generally comes (in our regions) from wood, thus causing deforestation. To this can be added diseases due to the soot produced during the combustion of wood. The sun, this source of available and free energy can be used to replace wood for cooking. The development of solar cookers is proving to be a necessity for countries with strong sunshine. This work consists of setting up a solar cooker type reflector box and determining its performance in the city of Ouagadougou. In order to determine the performance of the cooker, readings were taken empty and loaded. These readings concerned the temperatures of the ambient air, the air in the cooker of the absorber and the water as well as the solar flux. From these measurements it can be seen that the absorber temperature reaches about 140°C, the water temperature reaches about 90°C and the air inside the oven reaches about 91°C under a sunshine of about 765 W/m 2. The merit factors F1 and F2 gave values of 0.152 and 0.42 respectively. The estimated efficiency is about 32.66%. These values testify to the performance of the designed cooker.

DIANDA Boureima, OUEDRAOGO Bénéwendé Edwige, ÈME Jumelle, BAGRE Sara, AOUE Safiatou, OUEDRAOGO Issaka and BATHIÉBO Dieudonné Joseph
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Physical Sciences and Engineering