Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Factors behind the genesis and “release” of the individual’s existential tension

The increasing complexity and intensification of human life in the epoch of digitalization and escalation of social and political conflicts on both the international and national levels is constantly enhancing the existence of the individual. This situation results in an acute socio-psychological and pedagogical problem of providing effective and qualified aid to people by releasing their existential tension. Therefore, identification and analysis of the factors influencing the genesis and dynamics of the individual’s existence from the viewpoint of the existential philosophy appear to be a significantly topical issue. The scope of the present study is to identify and examine the main factors determining the individual’s existence, as well as to define and analyze the main social conditions contributing to release of the individual’s existential tension, on the basis of analysis of philosophical and psychological publications on existentialism and existential fiction. The results of the study consist in revealing the social nature of the origins of the existence as a conscious psychological state of the human soul, which depresses the mind of the individual and negatively affects their behavior. The author argues that it would be feasible to use the results of the present study for developing a methodology of providing effective social, clinical-psychological, and pedagogical aid to people in an acute state of existence.

Ilham Mamedzade, Tair Makhamatov, Dildor Pulatova and Timour Makhamatov
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Journal Area: 
Health Sciences