Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Graha roga in pediatric advancement w.s.r. To skanda graha

Graha is a broad spectrum term and collection of symptoms defined in Ayurveda classics, wherein the aetiology is unknown. References regarding Graha Rogas are available in the Vedas, word Grahi is mentioned in Atarva veda. Mahabharata first time explained morphology of Graha Rogas, whereas Ayurveda texts explain the clinical features along with management, though the number of Balagraha varies from text to text. The advancement of technology and diagnostics in the subject of paediatrics in the recent years have made more clear understanding of these conditions, still many challenging disorders are present whose causes are unknown, termed as of idiopathic origin. One of the major management approach is Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa for disorders of unknown etiological factors especially Graha Rogas. One such specific Graha Roga is Skanda among the Bala Grahas, whose detailed description is available in all the major texts. The clinical features of Skanda Graha closely resembles with Polio virus infection such as painful joints, rigid muscles, stiffness of the body as a whole and later as sequelae develops. India, with aggressive eradication drives, made the country polio free in the year 2013. Ayurvedic management of the sequelae condition has proven benefits and the details and concept regarding this will be discussed and presented in full paper.

Dr. Renu Rani, Dr. Satyawati Rathia, Dr. Kori, V.K., Patel, K.S. and Dr. Rajagopala, S.
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