Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Influence of Rock Phosphate and dolomite on the quality and biodegradation of a compost based on maize Biomass in Western Burkina Faso

In the context of climate change and aridity of soils, the manufacture of enriched compost, from corn stalks and with very little animal manure, has often been proposed to obtain a kind of artificial manure. Composting is a fertilization technique that is well suited to the soil. The present study was initiated in order to contribute to a better knowledge of composting with the addition of substrates under the conditions of Burkina Faso. The study of the composting parameters of a mixture of different substrates forming the following four treatments: T1: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure (Control), T2: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 125kg of BP, T3: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 125kg of dolomite, T4: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 75kg of BP + 75kg of dolomite showed a significant temperature variation in all treatments, with spikes after each turnaround. The initial basic pH decreased for all treatments to approach neutrality at the end of the composting process, especially for the T4 treatment. It should also be noted that there was a decrease in nitrogen concentration, probably due to leaching because of the low initial C/N ratio. This study must continue to determine the maturity of the final product.

BAZONGO Pascal, TRAORÉ Karim, NIGNAN S. Ramadane and TRAORÉ Ouola
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Life Sciences