Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Health Sciences

Combined effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities on wetlands water quality

Abstract: Wetlands in the highlands, especially palustrine wetlands, are renowned with supply of water of good quality to streams, however, with observed extreme variation in climatic conditions- notably surging high temperatures and decline in precipitation, these wetlands’ function is threatened. The objectives of this study were to observe changes in vegetation cover across the wetland within two seasons- summer and winter, and to monitor water release during each season, aligning this with climatic variation.

To find role of uric acid in preeclampsia women in term pregnancy

Conversational agents emulate human communication in order to provide a more natural user interface to applications or simply to begin a dialog with a user. Prior studies of this software have focused upon individual systems, but few have provided comparisons of their capabilities. Here, we evaluate three such programs (Tutor Mike, Cleverbot, and Jabberwacky).

Peri-operative role of proteases (bromelain + rutosides) in surgical patients- a prospective clinical trial

Background: Proteases are naturally occurring enzymes that have received traditional footage in medical treatment. Enzyme preparations have also entered modern medicine since 1960s. Trypsin, Bromelain and Rutoside preparations have recently boomed into the medical prescriptions, claiming a better resolution of inflammatory symptoms, thereby anticipating a faster healing of the surgical wound. This study aims to prospectively approach and determine the efficacy of these newer proteases with respect to certain fixed parameters of surgical prophylaxis.

In vitro antibacterial, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities of stem and root of tridax procumbens l.

In the present study, Tridax procumbens belongs to the family of Asteraceae was selected. Tridax procumbens was collected and the stem and root were separated, cleaned and dried under shade. The dried plant materials were ground well into powder. The 20g of powder of stem and root were soaked in 200 ml of benzene and diethyl ether separately and kept at room temperature for 48 hours and then the mixture was filtered and concentrated by using evaporator at 37˚C.

Assessement of oral health related knowledge, attitude and practice among the autorikshaw drivers in davengere city- a cross sectional study

Introduction: Work is a central element of an individual’s life, and is the main reference for determining patterns of identity and sociability, political activities, family life, access to economic resources and opportunities for achieving good health and well being. There are some working classes such as road transport drivers who work tirelessly behind the wheels, commuting the different places without adequate food, rest and sleep. These people work in unfavourable climatic conditions compounded but delays and break down.

The role of increased total serum bilirubin in patients with acute appendicitis

Acute appendicitis considered one of the commonest aetiology of the cases attended into the emergency unit as a case of acute abdomen. Its detection depends on clinical examination, lab. Investigations, sonography, and some times abdominal laproscopy is needed. The increased level of serub bilirubin is considered to be a new detecting method.

Effect of an in service training program for intensive care nursing staff in their knowledge - Khartoum State 2014-2017

Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the emergency procedure used to salvage victims of cardiac and respiratory arrest. It should be carried out with great urgency to avoid permanent brain damage or even death that would result if the victim stays from 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen. The aim of study: To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on the knowledge of cardio pulmonary resuscitation among the nursing staff in the Khartoum Teaching, Ahmed Gasim, Omdurman Teaching, and the Khartoum North Teaching hospitals.

A case of subdural empyema secondary to pyogenic meningitis in an infant

Subdural empyema (SDE) is a life-threatening infection, it accounts for about 15-22% of focal intracranial infections. It might be life threatening if not managed properly in infants and children. We report a case convulsions 14 mo-old infant who was admitted with a 1/52 history of body swelling, 3/7 history of fever, and 7105 with diagnosis of pyogenic meningitis. The cranial ultrasound scan (u/s) revealed bilateral subdural fluid collection, and features of cortical sulci thickening, sequelae of meningitis. She was put on IV antibiotics.