Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Health Sciences


Aim & background: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has completely altered the therapeutic concerns of Endocrinologists and gynecologists. The case discussed below is a prime example of their success. Case description: A 46-year-old woman suffering from perimenopausal conditions presents in the clinic. Her vitals and hormone profile were not at optimum levels. Ultrasound shows proliferative endometrium and ovarian cysts. She had been described with BHRT, including Estradiol, Progesterone, testosterone, and melatonin.

Factors behind the genesis and “release” of the individual’s existential tension

The increasing complexity and intensification of human life in the epoch of digitalization and escalation of social and political conflicts on both the international and national levels is constantly enhancing the existence of the individual. This situation results in an acute socio-psychological and pedagogical problem of providing effective and qualified aid to people by releasing their existential tension.

Serum level of interleukin-5 is elevated among beer drinkers in nnewi, Anambra State

Introduction: The role of Interleukin-5(IL-5) in immunity and its involvement in cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a subject of growing research. IL-5 plays a role in the differentiation and maturation of eosinophils and has atheroprotective effects. Objective: The levels of serum Interleukin-5, and CRP in beer drinkers in Nnewi, Anambra State., were assessed. Materials and methods: Questionnaires were used to understand the amount of daily and weekly beer bottles consumed by subjects, and obtain their socio-demographic information.

Comparative study of the reproductive parameters of animals resulting from the cross between n'dama and nelore (n'dalores) and the n'dama breed at Kila Ranch Republic of Congo

The objective of this study was to compare the reproductive parameters of N'Dalores and N'Dama in order to measure the degree of blood supply from the N'Dalore breed to the N'Dama animals reared at the Kila ranch. 18 male and 32 female N'Dalores and 16 male and 28 female N'Dama were monitored from puberty to breeding. The data collected was analysed and processed using R software version 2. The comparison of the modalities of the variables studied by analysis of variance and the test of comparison of means were done by the Tukey test.

Labeling of text data using autoencoders

Machine learning has come a long way in solving business use cases that has remained a nightmare to human. Today machines learn data in ways like human, machine learning has matured so much that all it requires is data and it can solve any problem if the correct data is provided. Among the different learning techniques, we have in current ML world, supervised learning is a popular technique where the model learns from labeled dataset. The model tries to learn the pattern from the data and tries to correlate the independent and the dependent variable.

Nonlinear model to describe the mechanical behavior of the human knee menisci

The nonlinear model is studied to describe the mechanical behavior of the human knee meniscus tissue, which is composed of a solid phase, a fluid phase and also positive and negative charges. The model presents the theoretical formulation and the constitutive equations. Meniscal tissue consists primarily of a solid phase and a fluid phase. The fluid plays an important role in the mechanical behavior of the meniscus [1]. The mechanical description of the meniscus is also considered a combined action of the solid phase and the fluid phase [2].

Gingivoplasty with the aid of digital tools in the correction of the gingival smile

Purpose: To report a case of gummy smile correction through periodontal plastic surgery with the aid of digital tools for planning and diagnosis. Case report: To obtain an accurate diagnosis, a complete and individualized diagnostic evaluation is necessary to identify which treatment is most suitable for each patient. With the evolution of technology in contemporary dentistry, these tools have become indispensable for the correction of the red aesthetics of the smile, especially about communication between the dentist and the patient.

Convolution neural network based brain tumour detection using efficient classification technique

Image processing has become an essential component in many fields of biomedical research such as tumor detection, automatically determining the volume of a heart chamber, screening brain scans for possible diseases. Different techniques for automatic detection of brain tumor involve various steps: image acquisition, segmentation, classification using neural network and optimization, and identification of tumor type. This paper presents a new approach to detect and segment brain tumors.

A report of suppurative encephalitis in kid

A 10 days old female Tellicherry goat kid was presented for necropsy at the Central University Laboratory (CUL), Madhavaram. Detailed necropsy was carried out and suppurative encephalitis was identified as the cause of death. On necropsy, the brain revealed the presence of purulent and foul-smelling exudate in both ventricle of the cerebrum. Histologically, brain revealed severe diffuse degeneration of neutrophils with perivascular edema, neuronal necrosis, and extensive neutrophilic infiltration in the meninges that extended in to the grey matter.

Effects of flexi-bar training on measures of strength and power of upper limb musculature in recurve and compound archers

Context: Experimental evidence suggests that mechanical vibration of low intensity (below 0.4 g) and low frequency (below 50 Hz) can be transmitted effectively through the human body. Thus, superimposition of such vibration to an active muscle has the potential to amplify the acute and chronic neuromuscular adaptations achieved during low-intensity exercise. Aim: To study the effects of sports specific flexi-bar training on strength and power of upper limb musculature in archers.