Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Germination behavior and morpho-physiological activities of white sandal (santalum album l.)

White sandal (Santalum album L.) a precious timber yielding as well as medicinal plant which is rendering its service for the human society since human civilization in the globe. The plant is grown under tropical and sub tropical agro-climates with any sort of soil composition in high-land elevation. Though the plant is utilizing by the pharmaceuticals as well as cosmetic industries since ancient era but its improvement towards mass propagation and culture have not been took place by modern scientific technologies. In nature, seed propagating saplings occur in the forest gardens hardly 10 – 12%. But all the saplings cannot survive in wild state due to grazing and other mechanical injuries and illegal infiltration in the forest garden occur round the year. Artificially we can propagate the plants by means of vegetative propagation viz layering, cutting, inarching etc. which is time consuming, expensive and not adequate number of plants at a time. A considerable limited numbers of saplings can be raised through sucker propagation. The scientists have been exploring various seed propagation techniques utilizing various seed germinating as well as growth promoting chemicals to obtain a huge number of saplings at a time for its mass propagation. We have undertaken the task for utilizing different chemicals viz CuSO4, Dithane M-45, Dithane Z-78, GA3, Captan, Bavistin, Penicillin etc. for germinating the white sandal seeds in different seasons round the year to obtain maximum percentage of saplings. In this context, we have conducted an experiment on GA3 allowing different concentration which have been observed and exhibited in the findings. The aims and objectives of this experiment were to study the highest rate of germination in GA3 treatments and its adaptation in different locations of various districts in the state of West Bengal.

Animesh Karmakar, Nirupama Goswami and Jagatpati Tah
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