Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Determination of heavy metals found in different sizes of tube wells of district pishin balochistan, Pakistan

This study was designed to determine the quantities of heavy metals such as (Cobalt, Chromium, Sodium, Calcium and Iron) in water samples obtained from tube wells having different depths in district Pishin, Baluchistan, Pakistan. A total of 50 fresh water samples were collected and different parameters such as depth of tube well, location of tube well, age of tube well, pH, electrical conductivity, population burden and use of fertilizers in the vicinity of tube wells were correlated with the quantities of heavy metals. The study findings shows that age of tube well had no impact on quantities of studied heavy metals. It was found that depth of tube wells had significant impact on quantities of heavy metals, when compared with heavy metals such as Iron and Chromium the values were found to be higher in quantities in tube wells of lower depth and as the depth of tube wells increased the contents of theses metals decreased significantly. Chromium, Cobalt and Iron was found in higher concentration than standard recommended values. The presence of chromium may be attributed to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the vicinity of tube wells. In general it is concluded that the quantities of heavy metals such as Iron, Chromium and Cobalt were found in higher than recommended level which is an alarming indication for the drinking water for public use. pH and conductivity were found higher in shallow depths of tube wells.

Afrasiab Khan Tareen, Imrana Niaz Sultan, Mohammad Waseem Khan and Dr. Ashraf Khan
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