Syngenta India Ltd. Is a leading company in Fungicide marketing in Chhattisgarh The study has covered middle Chhattisgarh consisting of 4 Talukas and 25 villages of Dhamtari district selected through purposive sampling method. In Present Marketing Scenario, the Study of Consumer Behavior has become essential. Consumers are the kings of markets. Without consumers no business organization can run. All the activities of the business concerns end with consumers and consumer satisfaction. Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying the quality of the product, brand reputation, performance and long durability effect of fungicide are the main attributes which are preferred by farmers at the time of purchasing of selected fungicide in the study area. Consumer buying behavior has become an integral part of strategic market planning. Market Strategies are formulated to provide superior customer value. In formulating market strategies, the 4 Ps are directed at the target market.