Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Nutritional quality of products prepared from quince (cydonia oblonga) and crab apple (malus baccata)

Quince and crab apple is grown wildly in the state but due to their smaller size, inappropriate shape, poor colour, astringent taste, the fruit could not fetch good market value and gone as waste. Being rich source of nutrients, attempts were made to develop food products viz., preserve, candy and toffee. Nutritional parameters and sensory scores were determined at fresh, 3, 6 and 9 months of storage. The values with respect to storage for quince preserve shows that the TSS (0B), pH, reducing, total and non-reducing sugars (%) increased from 71.00-71.90, 3.09-3.23, 40.77-42.62, 68.22-75.05 and 26.07-29.13, respectively while ascorbic acid content(mg/100g) and acidity (% malic acid) decreased from 6.29-2.78 and 0.76-0.35. Almost similar observations were recorded for other products viz., candy and toffee prepared from both the fruits. The prepared products were subjected to sensory evaluation to a panel of members at different storage intervals i.e. (fresh, 3, 6 and 9 months of storage period) and the products were found as acceptable in terms of colour, taste, consistency/texture even up to storage interval of 9 months at ambient conditions.

Anita Kumari, Dhaliwal, Y.S. and Anupama Sandal
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