Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Panchayatraj system in tamilnadu during british period (1600 ad – 1947 ad) – a study

The article entitled panchayatraj system in tamilnadu during british period – a study, deals about the evolution of Panchayat Raj system inherited from the past in Tamilnadu. It denotes the nomenclature derivation for the word “Panchayat” and it is the body of drenching the thirst of people in economic, Political and social spheres from the particular topography. It also insists upon the Panchayat Raj system is an empirical set up for administration and backbone for Indian democratic properties. It is also stated that in this article that Tamil Nadu is one of the states in India to follow the Panchayatraj system with perfect instances. In ancient period, OOr Avai (Village Assembly) had been running to administer the village. The Kuda volai system in Uthramerur inscription ensures the democratic principles existed in Tamil Nadu. During the Chola period Oor, Sabha, Nadu, Nagaram had a direct link with Chola rulers. At that time of Vijayanagara and Muslim rulers had pushed this system back. At that time of British period this system has been strengthened through the acts legislated in 1882 by Lord Rippon, the father of local self government. The Madras local bodies act 1884 and Madras village panchayat act brought radical changes for sharing power and finance. The act of 1930 over the tax collection and 1946 relating appointment of executive officer and 1948 conference of Ministers of local self Government have ensured and the enhanced the local self government. In post Independence period many comities and acts are being appointed and passed to enhance the power of the local self government. All these program and its credit goes to the administrators of the British rule. The article systematically exhibits the evolution, progress, transmitting from one generation to another and enhanced stage during the British period up to 1950.

Ranganathan, D.
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