Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Patterns of self ear cleaning among otorhinolaryngology patients in developing country

Aims and objectives: Self ear cleaning is a common bad health practice among many patients despite associated complications. This study aimed at determining the prevalence, sociodemographic, clinical presentation, associated complications and management of self ear cleaning among patients in a tertiary hospital in sub Sahara Africa. Materials and methods: This is a prospective hospital based study of patients with history of self ear cleaning. The study was carried out over a period 6 months between June and November, 2017. Informed consent was obtained from patients. Pretested interviewers assisted questionnaire was administered to obtain data. Data obtained were collated and statistically analyzed by using SPSS version 16. Results: The prevalence of self ear cleaning was 93.4%. There were 47.9% males with male to female ratio of 1:1. Common reasons for self ear cleaning were 35.1% personal hygiene, 21.8% dirty/earwax and 11.8% itching. Both ears were most commonly cleaned among the patients in 46.9%. Right ear in 31.8% was commoner than left ear in 21.3%. Commonest object used in ear cleaning was cotton bud in 44.5%. Other objects were finger, feather and key in 24.6%, 15.6% and 14.7% respectively. Common clinical presentation were dirty/earwax in 35.1%, otalgia in 29.4%, hearing loss in 27.5% and itching in 24.2%. Long time (chronic) ear cleaning accounted for 63.5% while short time (acute) ear cleaning accounted for 36.5%. Frequency of ear cleaning in these patients were daily in 49.3%, weekly in 17.1%, monthly in 13.3% and occasional in 20.4%.Major diagnosis was 34.6% personal hygiene, 22.7% allergy and 18.5% earwax impaction. No complications were recorded in 39.3%. Common complications were external auditory canal injury in 28.9%, impacted foreign body in 25.6% and traumatic perforated tympanic membrane in 6.2%. All patients had health education. Other treatment was conservative/medical treatment in 71.1% and foreign body removal in 17.5%. Conclusion: Ear cleaning was higher among the patients. Majority of the patients believed it is beneficial. This is associated with available complications.

Adegbiji, W.A., Olajide, T.G. and Nwawolo, C.C.
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