Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Technical evaluation of manual weeders for irrigated rice cultivation in Burkina Faso: case of rotary and cono weeders

Two rotaryweeders with, conical and hexagonal were developed and their performance was evaluated. Various parameters such as weeding efficiency, plant damage, field capacity and weeding time reduction were considered during the trial. The AfricRice rotary weeder and a hand hoe were used as controls. The Boulbi irrigated paddy field was used as the experimental setting.The trial was conducted in a completely randomized Fisher block design with 4 replications in an SRI. The performance of three weeders, two designed (hexagonal (T2) and conical (T3)) were evaluated with the AfricaRice model (T1) compared to weeding with the manual hoe (T0). Data were collected on performance and yield parameters. They were recorded with XLSTAT Version 2016.02.27444 and subjected to descriptive analyses. The results revealed that among the weeders, the highest actual field capacity was 0.024 ha/h with T3 and the lowest 0.014 ha/h with T1. The lowest percentages of plant damage at 15 DAT and 30 DAT were 0.26% and 0.16% with T0 and the highest 2.63% and 1.80% with T3. Weeding with the weeders reduced labor time for all three weedings by 55% with T1, 65% with T2 and 70% with T3 compared to T0.

Ousmane ZONGO, Abdel Kader Hounsouho LINGANI and Siédouba Georges YE
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Life Sciences