Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Life Sciences

The influence of consumer ethnocentrism on purchase intention——an analysis of regional agricultural brand

Consumers are driven by both ethnocentric feelings and rational product evaluation when deciding to purchase domestic products. This paper examines the relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and purchase intention, while also considering certain demographic characteristics as moderating variables. It is to be found that age and income moderate the effect of ethnocentrism on purchase intention, highlighting the need for companies to tailor marketing strategies to different age and income groups.

An overview of quiescent hair follicle stem cell re-activation for androgenetic alopecia treatment: a comprehensive review

Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) are undifferentiated, self-renew and multipotent cells in skin. Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is affecting 85% of males and 40% of females throughout the world. Its exact cause is unknown Androgens play a pivotal role in AGA etiology, but it is associated with other diseases, such as; hyper-androgenemia, hypothyroidism, prostate cancer, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune diseases and even COVID-19. Multiple treatments have been considered for androgenetic alopecia, but, it was not satisfactory results.

A novel s-box encryption using adaptive composite field architecture (acfa) for 5g communications

Recently, lightweight cipher has become a hot topic, which is a key technology to ensure the security of communications among constrained devices such as WSNs (Wireless sensor Network), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and IoT (Internet Of Things). Lightweight cryptography is a class in cryptography that is employed in resource constrained devices like embedded systems to provide security. A novel S-BOX (Substitution–Box) encryption using Adaptive Composite Field Architecture (ACFA) for 5G communication is proposed in this research.

Biological diversity of different functional groups and impact of parasitoids on pepper fruits pests (Capsicum annum) in the locality of yaoundé

Pepper is amongst the most consumed vegetable fruits in Cameroon. Its production remains seasonal. In order to increase plant yield. A study was lunched between March 2020 and December 2021 with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of insect fauna infesting pepper fruits and suggest biological control methods using parasitoids. A weekly inventory was made. Fruits stung by insects were collected and taken to the laboratory. Apest that emerged was conserved in alcohol at 70oCand was exposed to parasitoids used here as biological control agents.

In silico strategy against seed germination targeting α-amylase and asparaginyl endopeptidase enzymes using the negative allelopathic gc-ms phytoconstituents of Chromolaena odorata leaves

Studies were conducted to determine and identify the molecular principles or compounds responsible for the notoriously reported negative (inhibitory) allelopathic effect of Chromolaena odorata on the germination of both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous seeds. The aqueous extract of Chromolaena odorata leaves were subjected to GC-MS analysis, and 46 compounds were profiled from the extract.

Evaluation of antioxidant activity of successive extracts of clerodendrum multiflorum stem

The successive extracts of Clerodendrum multiflorum stem, a traditional medicinal plant used in India. It possessed a significant amount of total phenolic and flavonoid contents with potent antioxidant activities in scavenging DPPH, ABTS radicals, and good total antioxidant capacity. On the other hand, the ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts showed the highest inhibition of DPPH, ABTS radicals and phosphomolyb date assay. This study verified that the ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts have strong antioxidant activities which might be due to high level of phenolics and flavonoids.

Evaluation of antioxidant activity of diospyros melanoxylon stem extracts

The present study was designed to identify antioxidant potential and phenolic content of Diospyros melanoxylon stem extracts. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was assessed by using various in-vitro tests such as DPPH, ABTS, and phosphomolybdenum assay. Among the all extracts in present study, the methanolic extract of Diospyros melanoxylon stem produced potent antioxidant activity with significant polyphenolics content. Thus, it is clearly indicated that the Diospyros melanoxylon stem can be used as potential source of natural antioxidant.

The system models and halden, bohr effects, happened in the membrane redoxy potential three state dependent 9 stepped full cycle of proton conductance in the human body

By our suggestion, the Halden, Bohr effects have implemented within Eight stage of 9 staged full closed cycle of proton conductance-located in the Respiring tissues -capillary blood which are existed around 87 trillion cells, Pulmonary circuit, where occurred oxygen unloading under effect of increased bicarbonate exit by bicarbonate/chloride ion shift mechanism, leading to increase of protons released from NADH, FADH, reduced KoQ resulting to entry of protons to erythrocyte membrane surroundings, which are inseparable parts– basic components of the System models of the Human body, including

Gizipro as an application tool providing Indonesian small industry (umkm) for calculating a nutrition value of food product

One of the marketing strategies for UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah) food products is information of the its nutritional value. A food packaging are required to inform the product name, weight of package, list of constituent materials, & the nutritional value. Calculation of nutritional value can be carried out in the laboratory and manually using the Indonesian Food Composition Table by considering the number of constituent ingredients.

Method development and validation for analysis of residual solvents in budesonide by hs-gc

Residual solvents are organic volatile impurities which are harmful to environment as well as human health. The analysis of such solvents is an important part in maintaining the quality of drug. A number of analytical methods are available for such analysis but most of them are restricted to low detection limits or lack of accuracy. Gas chromatography is one of the widely used method for such analysis due to more accuracy and high detection limits.