Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Life Sciences

Effect of Irrigation Methods and Planting media on Hardening time of Banana Plantlets

Experiment was conducted during January to April of 2022 and 2023 in plastic greenhouse. Plantlets of the released banana cultivar Grand Naine were produced in the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Kassala and Gash Research Station. The experiment consisted of two factors, planting media and irrigation methods; each factor consisted of three types. The treatments were randomly laid out in a split-plot design with three replications.

Determinants of Agricultural credit Accessibility and Challenges faced by Farmers in Accessing Credit in South Western Nigeria

Credit is inferred to as an important catalytic in enhancing agricultural production but its access is determined and impeded by many factors. This study consequently examined the determinants of agricultural credit accessibility and challenges faced by farmers in accessing credit in South Western Nigeria. The population of this study comprised farmers in South Western Nigeria. Multi-stages sampling technique was adopted to select 225 farmers who benefitted from agricultural credits. Descriptive statistics was used to investigate the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers.

Etude D’impacts Socio-Économiques et Environnementaux de la Pêcherie Dans les mares de la Commune de Bandé Département de Magaria : Cas des Villages de Gabi, Sawaya et Guidan Gona (Niger)

L'étude a été réalisée dans la commune rurale de Bandé, située dans la région de Zinder, dans le but d'analyser les impacts socio-économiques et environnementaux de la pêcherie dans les mares. Trois types d'engins de pêche ont été identifié : hameçon, filet maillant et nasse en filet. L'utilisation de la nasse en filet est la plus efficace, préférée par 90,9 % des pêcheurs de Gabi. L`analyse des résultats a révélé que 68,18% des pêcheurs de Gabi, 70,83% des pêcheurs de Guidan Gona et 73,68% des pêcheurs de Sawaya commercialisent leurs captures en condition fraîche.

Caractérisationdes fermes Piscicoles dela Zone Périurbaine de la Ville de Niamey, Niger

Cette étude a étéréalisée dans le but de diagnostiquer l'activité piscicole dans la zone de Niamey. Elle émane des résultats obtenus à l’issue de 3 mois (juillet à septembre, 2023) d’études auprès des pisciculteurs.L'objectif principalde cette étude était de recueillir des données exhaustives sur les aménagements piscicoles de la zone périurbaine de la ville Niamey.

Quantitative Analysis of Different Stages of Embryos per Brood Pouch of Mesopodopsis Orientalis from Coastal, Estuarine and Saltpan Waters

Mysids or opossum shrimps are grouped under macro-zooplankton which are used for human consumption. Mysids are harvested using hand trawl made of mosquito netting during low tide period at surface water. The study was carried out on monthly basis from one site from Coastal area, three sites from Mangrove estuarine area and three sites from Saltpan twice a month during May 2016 to December 2017.They show significant variation in their availability in different seasons. All the embryos within a single brood pouch were found at the same stage of development.

Technical evaluation of manual weeders for irrigated rice cultivation in Burkina Faso: case of rotary and cono weeders

Two rotaryweeders with, conical and hexagonal were developed and their performance was evaluated. Various parameters such as weeding efficiency, plant damage, field capacity and weeding time reduction were considered during the trial. The AfricRice rotary weeder and a hand hoe were used as controls. The Boulbi irrigated paddy field was used as the experimental setting.The trial was conducted in a completely randomized Fisher block design with 4 replications in an SRI.

Influence of Rock Phosphate and dolomite on the quality and biodegradation of a compost based on maize Biomass in Western Burkina Faso

In the context of climate change and aridity of soils, the manufacture of enriched compost, from corn stalks and with very little animal manure, has often been proposed to obtain a kind of artificial manure. Composting is a fertilization technique that is well suited to the soil. The present study was initiated in order to contribute to a better knowledge of composting with the addition of substrates under the conditions of Burkina Faso.

Cortisol level, Behavior and economics of raising pekin duck fed with fresh azolla raised under induced heat stress

With Heat stress causes detrimental effects on duck production which generate negative economic impacts. Thus, raising Pekin duck as heat stress tolerant breeds and are well-adapted to Philippine climate and feeding azolla that is well-known for its high crude protein, lysine and glutamine that can combat heat stress due to immune-modulatory effect is indeed significant alternative strategy. The study aimed to determine the stress level, behavior and economics of pekin duck fed with different levels of fresh azolla raised under induced heat stress.

Recycling of Unconventional fly ash from the bargny coal-fired power plant in Senegal for the production of Hydrauli Binders

The aim of the work is to valorize the unconventional fly ash from the Bargny coal-fired power plant, in order to address issues related to the durability of concrete structures, as well as to provide economic and environmental solutions linked to the storage of industrial waste. To this end, a physico-chemical, mineralogical and mechanical characterization of hydraulic binders was carried out at the DANGOTE cement plant laboratory. Firstly, CEM II/B 32.5 R cement from the said plant was substituted with fly ash at different substitution rates (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%).