Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Social Sciences and Humanities

The future of Development Finance: Scaling impact through Digital Innovation and Dfis

Growth finance institutions are essential for financing economic growth. These specialized banks cover gaps in the market. They provide long-term financial options that are often not accessible through traditional banks. They focus on funding development projects in regions that are neglected by conventional lenders. To address significant financial gaps, DFIs employ infrastructure loans, equity investments, and technical assistance. They help spark private investment for social and economic progress.Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are specialized financial institutions.

Morphometric and Hydrological Characterization of the lotio Watershed at Longorala in the Sikasso-Mali Circle

For better watershed control, protection, water resource planning and seabed development; it is important to aquire master the its physical environment. The aim of this study is to understand the hydrological functioning of the watershed through its physical environment in order to successfully manage it. The data from the 30 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and the 1/200,000 scale urban mapping of the study area were used. The description of the watershed showed that it is an elongated and covers an area of 498.78 km2.

Geological and Structural Mapping of the Ouaddaï Massif using Landsat and Radar Data

The aim of the work was to produce a geological and structural map of the Ouaddai massif using landsat and radar data. We used landsat-8 images to extract the lithological map (colour composition and ratio bands) and PALSAR DEM radar to extract the lineament map (using different filters). For the radar sensor, a total of 2188 lineaments were detected and extracted, with two main rock fracturing directions (ESE-WNW (90° to 115°) and NE-SW (45° to 65°)).

Measurement of Conductivity of an Aqueous Solution and nature of combined Materials, Electrodes

The present work aims to determine the influence of the nature of the combined materials on the measurement of the conductivity of an aqueous ionic solution. In this study, 4 types of electrodes (iron (Fe), copper (Cu), aluminum (Al) and lead Pb) were used. Correlation curves, current intensities and the degree of mineralization of the solution were layout. The correlation coefficients varying between 0.9877 and 1 indicate a very good correlation between the degree of mineralization of the ionic solution and the intensity of the measured direct current and the reliability of the method.

Communication technology and its modern techniques, and the possibility of utilizing them in the development of continuing education programs

The study aims to identify the impact of scientific and technical advancements made possible by two essential components: clear visions and plans. Educational plans for developing education, whether at the national or self-education level, are crucial for human resource development, establishing information and communications infrastructure, and integrating communication technology in education stages, particularly in continuing education.

‘New life’ begins with The internet!

Currently, computers and the internet are two “things” that cannot be separated. Computers have become “information management centers”. Information is received, stored, retrieved, processed and then exchanged (shared) everywhere. The question of where the information is obtained and then shared means nothing if there is no such thing as the ‘internet’. Does the computer have to be in the form of a ‘Personal Computer, PC?”, ‘Note Book’ or ‘Laptop’. No. The android phone that we hold (we call it a “cell phone”) is also a computer. Cell phones also utilize the internet.

Waste Heat Recycling Management

In the current context of increasing concerns regarding energy efficiency and environmental impact, the management of waste heat recovery is essential for various industries. This article explores modern methods and technologies for waste heat recovery, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability. We examine processes for capturing and reusing waste heat from industrial and commercial sources, assessing their impact on overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Economic Analysis of Vegetable pea Production in Deoria District of Uttar Pradesh

The present study deals with the cost and return of vegetable pea production in Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh in the year of 2021-22 was selected purposively. A list of all 16 blocks was prepared on the basis area and production. One block namely deoria Sadar block was purposively selected for the study and 5 villages were selected on the basis of maximum coverage of area under vegetable pea crop. The farmers were selected randomly method. Thus, total sample size 60 farmers which comprised of marginal, small, medium and large farmer.

Caracterização das Práticas Agro-Florestais Tradicionais na Comunidade Rural Dodistrito de Chiúre – Província de Cabo Delgado, Norte de Moçambique

O Sistema Agro-Florestal é parte integrante das florestas e agricultura, sendo uma área usada para obtenção de graus académicos em várias universidades em todo o mundo. Porém, foi objectivo do estudo caracterizar as práticas agro-florestais tradicionais da comunidade de Quimela, Posto Administrativo de Ocua, distrito de Chiúre.O levantamento de dados foi feito com base num questionário onde foram usadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, inquéritos e observações nas machambas/habitações dos agricultores.

Práticas Agro-Ecológicas Adoptadas pelos Agricultores do sector familiar na Comunidade Rural do Distrito de Chiúre, Norte de Moçambique

A sociedade sempre vem buscando prática de agricultura que seja menos agressiva ao ambiente e que proteja os recursos naturais principalmente o solo e a água com apoio de conhecimentos das populações tradicionais. A presente pesquisa tem objectivo caracterizar as práticas agrícolas baseadas em princípios agro-ecológicos adoptadas por agricultores familiares da comunidade rural do Posto Administrativo de Ocua, distrito de Chiúre.