Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Physical Sciences and Engineering

Comprehensive framework for employability forecasting in higher Education: An arima-based predictive model using alumni tracer data at pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

Higher education institutions continuously seek innovative approaches to track and assess alumni employability to improve academic programs and career support services. This study explores the use of predictive analytics in higher education, specifically employing the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model to forecast alumni employability trends at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig (PLP).

Common Coincidence points for two pairs of r-weakly Commutative Mappings on b2-Multiplicative Metric Space

In [22], Kumar introduced the notion of b2-multiplicative metric space. Czerwik [2] generalized the concept of metric space and put the idea and terminology of b-metric space. In [15] B. Surender Reddy et al presented the concept of 2-multiplicative metric space. In this paper we introduce the concept of R-weakly commutative mappings on b2-multiplicative metric space. Also we prove a common coincidence point theorem for two pairs of R-weakly commutative mappings on b2-multiplicative metric space.

Experimental study of the performance of a box-type solar cooker with four reflectors

Cooking is a transformation technique (preparation) by exposure to heat. This heat generally comes (in our regions) from wood, thus causing deforestation. To this can be added diseases due to the soot produced during the combustion of wood. The sun, this source of available and free energy can be used to replace wood for cooking. The development of solar cookers is proving to be a necessity for countries with strong sunshine. This work consists of setting up a solar cooker type reflector box and determining its performance in the city of Ouagadougou.

Tomography scheme for 2-Qubit states using Ibm 7-Qubit open access quantum Processor Ibmq_Nairobi

It is well-known that entangled particles have stronger correlations than what is permissible in classical scenario. Entanglement is exploited in the field of quantum computation and quantum technologies. In this era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) machines one is concerned with tackling quantum noise in order to establish their advantage overclassical digital computers. Here we study the performance of IBM open access 7-qubit quantum processor ibmq_nairobifor Bell state tomography.

Hid attack Prevention & Mitigation

HID attacks have gradually made up as one of the major cyberspace threats that currently exist as far as current exploitations by decent operating systems are concerned, intended only for trusting USB devices. The attacks included the use of compromised USB devices for payload delivery using applications such as BadUSB and Rubber Ducky in commands to avoid security mechanisms and gain unauthorized access to the system's mechanisms.

Analyse of Impact of Temperature, Grain size, and Magnetic field on Effective Diffusion Length

In this work, thanks to 3D modelling, we were able to express the effective broadcast length as a function of dimensions (x, y) of crystal, loss rate at the limits of x and y, temperature and magnetic field, based on the distribution of carriers in the base volume, obtained from the minority carrier continuity equation. The effective broadcast length and short circuit current were calculated as a function of grain size, magnetic field and temperature.

Role of Naturopathy

This Naturopathy is a form of healthcare that combines modern treatment with traditional methods. It includes alternative, natural therapies to modern medicine. Naturopathy, is a system that uses natural substances to treat the patient. It also considers the environmental factors involved which on the whole disturbs the normal functioning of the body. The techniques of naturopathy are a blend of modern and traditional methods. Naturopathic treatment includes diet and clinical nutrition, homeopathy, physical medicine, pharmaceuticals and minor surgery.

Analysis of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in a Wetland: Bangr-Wéogo Urban Park, in the heart of Ouagadougou, the Capital of Burkina Faso

Wetlands are rare ecosystems in arid tropical regions, playing multiple ecological roles and providing multiple ecosystem services. Unfortunately, these ecosystems are increasingly subject to strong anthropogenic pressures resulting from high population growth and the effects of climate variability. A good knowledge of the biodiversity of these ecosystems is essential for their sustainable management, as it is both the source and the product of their proper functioning. Macroinvertebrates are one of the most important links in the animal biodiversity of wetlands.

La voz como Herramienta de la Comunicación en la Docencia

En el ámbito educativo, la voz del docente se erige como una herramienta multifacética y poderosa que va más allá de simplemente transmitir información. Este artículo explora el papel fundamental que desempeña la voz en la comunicación efectiva dentro del entorno educativo. Desde la claridad y la expresividad que facilitan la comprensión hasta la capacidad de mantener la atención y fomentar la participación activa de los estudiantes, la voz se convierte en un elemento crucial para el aprendizaje significativo.

Electrical Energy Assessment from Kinetic Energy of Domestic taps and Irrigation Water Networks

With this study, we intend to contribute to the promotion of micro hydroelectric power plants for individual, family and community use. We pay a particular attention to sustainable and affordable solutions that could be used in isolated sites with relative less investment. For this purpose, we demonstrate the possibility of generating electricity from hydraulic energy of water flow in domestic taps and agriculture irrigation valves.