Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

November 2017

Supriya Chinchpure, Dr. Alka Deshpande, Dr. Prabha Dasila and Dr. Sripriya Gopalkrishnan

Introduction: Birth preparedness is a key component of globally accepted safe motherhood programmes & is widely promoted. Birth preparedness helps ensure that women can reach professional delivery care when, Labour begins. Each year,...

Pingili Mamatha, Vanga Sridhar and Sriramula Harikishan Prasad

Dandruff is a shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp and is suffered by almost 50% of the population and causes significant discomfort. The severity can range from mild scaling to dry skin to severe scaling. Malassezia furfur is considered to...

Julie Dominic, A.

The Lineage of Transgender studies has reached its culmination during the present era. Encompassing the living and the non living under a single roof with the understanding of the fifth world, has resulted in the realisation of the queer...

Patel Monika and Mishra Sunita

Mackerel as food: is an important food fish that is consumed worldwide. As an oily fish, it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. This study was carried out to investigate the potential of various antimicrobial coating including coating of...

Pazooki, D., Nakhaei, R., Lundgren, J., Granhed, H., Zeratiyan, S., Hosseini, M., Haghighikian, M., Mousavie, S. H., Negahi, A.R., Majdsepas, H., Hosseini Sh, K., Ghaed, M.A. and Akyürek, L.M.

The presence of an appendix in a hernias sac (Amyand’s hernia) is a rare entity and the incidence of having an appendix in the hernias sac is less than 1%. Usually, the appendix has been shown to be a part of a sliding hernia and it may be...

Alla Asmara, Yeti Lis Purnamadewi, Deni Lubis and Khalifah M Ali

The institutional capacity of cooperatives is the main component that determines the ability of Milk Producers Cooperative (MPC) in adapting to the changes that occur. The objectives of the study are: (1) to analyze the priority of internal and...

Bati Ernest Boya Bi and Prosper Gbaha

The objective of this work is the sizing of an electric energy production system mainly based on solar panels. The system is composed of a photovoltaic field and an energy storage unit (lead acid batteries, hydrogen-based energy storage unit (...

Kouamé Kouamé Daniel, Yapo Ossey Bernard and Méité Ladji

Samples of crabs (Callinectes amnicola) were collected in six bays of Ebrie lagoon in Abidjan city, and the level of heavy metal (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn) in crabs was investigated using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mean concentrations of...

Nadaf, S. L. and Gangavati, P.B.

The paper presents experimental investigations carried out on a stationary diesel engine at a constant speed and full load with preheated pongamia biodiesel. The preheating of pongamia biodiesel attempted with the help of gravity assisted heat...

Ozougwu, C. P., Meludu, S. C. and Aniagolu, M. O.

Malaria during pregnancy continues to be a major health problem in endemic countries, with clinical consequences including death of both mother and child and attendant derangements in trace elements. This study is aimed at evaluating the...

Njipouakouyou Samuel

This paper studies the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosols by concentrations and mid-volume diameters over three localities in a band of land situated likely inthe middle of Chad, namely N’djaména in the western, Abéché in the centre...

Babayola, M and Toungos, M. D.

The study was conducted to determine the optimum level of fertilizer for maximum yield of Amaranthus.A field experiment was conducted atFood and Agricultural Organization/ Tree Crop Programme (FAO/TCP) Teaching and Research Farm, Faculty of...

Sebastiao Santos

The aim of the study was to identify the intensity and influence of emotions that occur during the competitive period of National Children’s Championships and verifying the gender differences in the observed emotions. Eighty-nine young swimmers...

Hasipha C. Tarpeh

This research work revealed the health status of Liberia as being weak with regards to the fight against emerging diseases, especially those of strange nature to the health system of the country. The Ebola epidemic in 2014 witnessed the closure...

Eugenio Rossi, Maria Pignatiello, Luisa Castelli, Angela Barbieri, Rosanna Mamone, Salvatore Cappabianca and Massimo Zeccolini

Introduction: Primitive liver tumors represent 0.3-2% of all pediatric tumors, of which malignancies account for approximately 75%. Benign liver neoplasms include, though rare, focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and nodular regenerative hyperplasia...

Rohan S. Shreshthi and Chetan S. Patil

The purpose of this work was to investigate the use two different grades of concrete in one single structural beam unit. A beam is specified with two zones as compression zone and tension zone. Compression zone arise at top part of neutral axis...

Dr. Shereen N. Abu Ghazaleh and Dr. Hassan Sami Alabady

Green Buildings Insurance (GBI) is considered a modern insurance contract. Due to the nature of Green Buildings (GB) being characterized by a number of issues such as green designs, construction mechanisms and building materials, these types of...

Philippe Kabwita Muyumba, Benoit Kashal Chiteng, Paul Saul Phiri, Mulenga Muma and Serge Maloba

In this research paper, we treated sheaves of groups of Hilbert spaces and sheaf of Lebesgue spaces. We also introduced the notion of Fourier transforms and Clifford algebras from which we constructed the Clifford Fourier transform sheaf...

Muthulakshmi, B., Johnson Jeyakumar, S., Vijayalakshmi, S. and Kartharinal Punithavathy, I.

The Ozone concentration is influenced by the intensity of solar radiation and chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight. This paper attempts to study the variation of...

Chitra, S.

The thermal diffusivity of Al0.3Ga0.7As is studied by Molecular Dynamics simulation (MDS ). Tersoff’ s potential is used for the simulation for this alloy. Also experimentally studied here using photoacoustic method and thermography. Thermal...

Sulaiman Bdamasi and Nasiru Sani

Medical identity theft is the fraudulent use of an individual’s personally identifiable information (PII), such as name, social security number, and/or medical insurance identity number to obtain medical goods or services, or to fraudulently bill...

Velladurai, C. and Alagar, S.

A case of postparturient total uterine prolapse in a goat was presented for treatment. After seven hours of normal kidding (one live male kid) the uterine mass was protruded out in eversion and hanging down from vulva towards hock. The everted...

Subash Kumar Bhattarai and Anjay Kumar Mishra

Government of Nepal has enforced to implement the building code and bye-laws in all municipalities. So, implementation status of building code must be evaluated in newly formed municipality. The research is focused to find the existing scenario...

Ankit S. Chakraborty, Raj L. Shah, Prayas B. Variya, Guide. Prof. Nikunj R. Patel

To resolve the problems of carbon emission from construction of concrete structures a sustainable concreting technique named “self-compacting geo-polymer concrete” is developed. The benefit of using this concreting technique is that the labour...

Vincent Van Ginneken

In theory Seaweed biomass production is severely hampered by a 10,000 fold slower diffusion rate of a Carbon source or Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in the biophysical medium water in comparison to terrestrial C3 crops. Despite this inflicting...

Aditya, K., Nutan Verma, Nimmy Srivastava ,Manigopa Chakraborty and Krishna Prasad

A study was undertaken on induced mutagenesis with two varieties of Soybean, BSS-2 and RKS- 18. The mutagen used was Gamma rays (50,100,150,200 and 400 Gy). A difference was observed between the varieties BSS-2 and RKS-18 in the degree of...

Dilip Kumar Sharma

Tribulus terrestris of Zygophyllaceae grown world wide as herb containing several bioactive compounds that are used as medicinal values for therapeutic use as diuretic, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, anthelmintic, antiurolithic,...

Satyanarayana, B. and Subhashini Devi, P.

Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Miers ex Hook. F. & Thoms and Aerva lanata are medicinally important plants due to the presence of numerous secondary metabolites. The notable medicinal properties reported are antidiabetic, antiperiodic,...

Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska and Joanna Nawrocka

Background: This article describes a study concerning the image of the national and ethnic minorities which exist in the border region of Podlasie in Poland. The main feature of this region, compared with the rest of the country, is its national...

Vinodhini Karthikeyan and Manickam, A.

Recent decades have seen a significant rise in coffee and tea production, consumption; consequently increase in their waste generation. Alternative routes are necessary for the waste management, to develop a new treatment that would be viable...

Sivakumar, P., Suganya, D. and Rajan, M.R.

The present study deals with the characterization, digestive enzymatic productivity and antibacterial activity of intestinal bacteria of Rohu Labeo rohita. Pure colonies were isolated from the intestinal content of Rohu was characterized...

Seema Jain and Dr. Pawan Kumar Dhiman

Owing to increasing personal incomes, long distance passengers aspired for luxury services in rural operations. In the current scenario of globalization, public transport service needs introspective sensitivity towards the quality of service...

Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar

A case of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the biodiversity hotspots in India including many endemic plant species. One of the threats to the biodiversity of the region is the invasion of alien species. The invasive alien species have naturally...

Puspal De, Santanu Banik and Madhumita J. Mukhopadhyay

Aim- Oral cancer is becoming the most common disease worldwide, rapidly increasing in tobacco exposed persons. We have studied the morphological as well as nuclear abnormalities in the buccal exfoliated cells in tobacco exposed persons in...

Richa and Neetu Singh

Piper betel or Betel vine deep green heart shaped vary famous leaves belongs to the family Piperaceae called Paan leaves in India ,rich in nutrients , minerals ,vitamins, antioxidants , phytochemicals. Piper betel is mostly use to chew with...

Albena G. Durakova, Adelina L. Bogoeva and Velichka B. Yanakieva

The current scientific research is focused on the moisture equilibrium data (adsorption and desorption) of defatted grape seeds flour at 10, 25 and 40 °C using the static gravimetric method of saturated salt solution and relative humidity from 0....

Dr. Rashmi Mehrotra and Shadma Yasmeen

The Guidance and counseling services are very important for the holistic development of children. The provision of Guidance and Counseling services is unavailable in most of the schools due to varied reasons. The lack of availability of...

Senthamilselvi, P., Sukumaran, M. and Muthukumaravel, K.

The toxic effect of the heavy metal cadmium on the oxygen consumption and histology of gill clam Meretrix casta was studied. The clam were exposed for 10, 20 and 30 days in 10% sub lethal concentration of 96 hr LC50 of cadmium (1.25 mg/l)....

Amir Abbaszadeh

This study examines the stiffness of different (in terms of diameter and layer thickness) seismic isolators in an effort to compare the vertical stiffness of isolator systems obtained from construction code formulas with that obtained from models...

Acharya, P. R., Aher, V. D., Gangane, G. R. and Rajurkar, S. R.

The study was undertaken on the clinical cases of wounds in caprine presented at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Parbhani and area around the vicinity of Parbhani city. A total of 12 clinical cases of lacerated wounds in caprine were...

Mrs. Fauzia Jawaid Kazi, Ms. Erna Judith Roach and Mrs. Anjaline D’souza,

Backgroung and objectives: A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a Skill Training Programme (STP) on first-aid for selected Accidents and Emergencies for school children. The objectives of the study were to: develop and validate...

Meiske Tumbel and Mohmmad Abdullah Dar

Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate on recruitment and selection policy Government employees Era Autonomous Region in North Minahasa regency. Method: The method used in this study with a qualitative model of CIPP (Context, Input,...

Prevalance Of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders In Professional Students

Background and Aim: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and associated variables among adolescent. This concept admits the possibility of non-existence of a direct relationship between tissue damage and pain...

Chavhan P.H., Dr. G.R. Gangane, Dr. B.W. Naraladkar, Dr. S.D. Moregaonkarand Dr. J.Y. Waghaye

The necroscopic study was carried out to know the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in 235 Osmanabadi goats in Parbhani (Maharashtra, India) during February, 2017 to July, 2017. The overall prevalence was 71.06% (167/235). The season wise...

Rethinking Of The Law Of Gravity

Isaac Newton published the law of gravity more than 300 years ago, it had a profound influence to the world, however, carefully taste the law of gravity, and there are a lot of natural phenomena puzzling, if use the law of universal gravitation,...

Njipouakouyou Samuel

On the base of the data set from the measurements during round-trip flights executed in the period from 2014 to 2015over N’djaménaand after its numerical treatment by the least square method, we have established that the distribution of aerosols...

Fatihya Mahdi Ahmed Ali, Abdul Rahim Othman and Norzieiriani Bt. Ahmad

A Graduates’ marketable skills have now become the major key of success in today labor market and have increasingly concerned by employers around the globe. This study aimed to examine the effect of Yemeni graduates’ marketable skills on their...

Tawfiq Taleb Tawfiq

The paper’s problem lies in seeking to identify the determinants governing stock returns in the industrial sectors, specifically in the food and drinks companies in Amman Stock Exchange. The paper aims to discuss the impact of inflation on the...

Prabha, S. J., Santhosh Kumar, T. M., Shrinidhi, R. and Megha, M.

Carbon di-oxide is a major Green House Gas responsible for today’s Global Climatic Conditions ultimately leading to the destruction of ozone layer. In order to reduce the GHG emissions, Carbon sequestration is considered to be a cost-effective...

Harsangeet Kaur

The presents study was conducted to study of job satisfaction among college teachers in relation to their gender and nature of job. This study consists of data from different colleges of Ferozepur district. The data was collected through mailing...

Nkodo Fidèle and Biolo Mboulana Balthazar Fernand

Frequent heavy rains are a major hindrance for rubber harvests in the coastal zone of Cameroon, due to the pouring of latex out of cups as a result of water overflow. Lowering the pH of latex with acid to accelerate its clotting could be a...

Dinesh Baruah, Dip Sundar Sahu, Debajyoti Das, Soraj Kumar Debnath and Jayram Hazra

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic degenerating disease which is worldwide occurrence with continuous upward trend in the societies. It has become very difficult to manage owing to its complexity. This disease was long been treated with diet, herbs...

Ramprasad, K. Samarth and Prabhat Kumar

The success and sustainability of the safety management system in a construction organization is entirely dependent on the leadership. The leader makes or breaks the organization. There is a strong need to establish, develop, assess, sustain and...

Muthukrishnan, N. and Raghunathan, R.

The paper presents experimental One of such enzymes that are widely distributed in biological systems proteolytic enzymes that are capable of corrupting proteins and other derivative Proteolytic enzymes like protease are very important in...

Santaiah, N. and Kamakshamma, J.

With the emergence of human civilization, plants have been the main source to cure, heal and alleviate various diseases. Medicinal plants belong to a big plant group with a great interest due to its pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutritional values...

Zainab Hamid and Shawkat Ahmad Shah

The need for healthcare workers in hospitals is increasing worldwide, and since nurses represent the greatest proportion of health workers, it is important that nurses should be highly engaged in their jobs. The present study entitled "...

Seema Meena and Prahlad Dube

Microbial diversity is an important component of the overall global biological diversity. Recent technological advances in exploring microbial diversity have revealed that a large proportion of microorganisms are still undiscovered and their...

Doulat Nangare and Mayadevi, S.

Separation operation is the crucial part of the chemical industry. With rising energy prices and increased focus on efficiency and sustainability, the development of alternative separation processes to conventional separation processes constitute...

Gauravkumarsingh Gaharwar, Aniruddha Shringarpure and Sourabh Jacob

This case study analyzes the successful implementation of ERP by a local SME, Hi-Mak Pvt. Ltd. in Vadodara city of India. It outlines the need the company had to implement a new ERP. It summarizes the limitations of their previous ERP. It sheds...

Rozh ABDULMAJED and RamazanAlpay ABBAK

Today, with the quick development and changing of the space geodesy and satellite techniques, opportunities for choosing and using GNSS increased, many satellite systems are available and ready to use. At present using Differential Global...

Nazarath Begum, S. and Sankar, U.

Triglycine sulphate crystal is a well known ferroelectric crystal which has ferroelectric domains at room temperature. The drawback of pure TGS crystal is its tendency to polarization reversal. To overcome this difficulty and to improve the...

Earnest Vinay Prakash and Dr. Rai, A.K.

In this paper an attempt has been made to design and fabricateand evaluate the performance of parabolic trough collector to produce hot water. In the design of PTC it was considered the parabolic aperture of 2.007m x1.0622m made up of acrylic...

Dr. Subramanian, S.S.

Introduction: Demineralization of musculoskelet al., system are much evidenced post hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Low back pain remains the common cause of disability restricting physical functioning. Aims and Objectives of this original case...

Animesh Karmakar, Nirupama Goswami and Jagatpati Tah

White sandal (Santalum album L.) a precious timber yielding as well as medicinal plant which is rendering its service for the human society since human civilization in the globe. The plant is grown under tropical and sub tropical agro-climates...

Gandhiyappan, K.

The present study was carried out in the Uppanar River (Cuddalore Coast) from September 2015 to August 2016. The samples were collected during morning hours and were analysed monthly for physical, chemical and biological parameters. The various...

Dr. Hassan Sami Alabady and Dr. Shereen N. Abu Ghazaleh

This paper discusses one type of insurance provided by Jordanian Social Security Law for the protection and compensation of workers during a work related injury through the payment of daily allowances instead of lost wages during the period of...

Dr. Shanthi Sree, K. S., Dr. Suvarna Latha, A., Dr. Lakshmi Padmavathi, P., Yasodamma, N., Bharathi, D. and Nagalakshmamma, K.

Today, India’s Rivers, reverine biodiversity and river dependent communities are facing major threats from large dams, pollution, encroachment, sand mining, deforestation and bad management practices. These factors are impacting all aspects of...

Singh Akanksha and Mishra Sunita

Apple cider vinegar otherwise known as cider vinegar or ACV, Is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must and has a pale medium color. Unpasteurized or organic ACV contains mother of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is fermented juice from...

Wondimeneh Dubale, Ahmed Hussen, Vegi Maheswara Rao

The concentration levels of some selected common (Mg, K, Ca), heavy (Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) and toxic metals (Cd and Pb) were determined in coffee (Coffea arabica) beans, leaves and supportive soil of Gedeo zone, Ethiopia using Flame Atomic...

Dr. Sakthignanavel, D. and Dr. R. Arivoli

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of slow continuous run, speed continuous run and extensive interval run training on speed performance of post adolescence boys. For this study 80(Eighty) healthy untrained subjects were selected...

Sivakamasundari, P.

We search for non-zero distinct integer (a, b, c) such that the sum of any two of them is a cubical integer.

Singh, B. K.

The present paper aims to explore and document traditionally used medicinal plants for the treatment of various ailments of livestock in the district Raebareli of Uttar Pradesh. The study was carried out during June, 2008 to April, 2009 through...

Preliminary phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Wrightia tinctoria

The screening and study of selected Indian medicinal plant Wrightia tinctoria R.Br., were selected for phytochemical screening and antibacterial studies. The solvents used for the extraction of plant roots were ethanol, benzene, chloroform,...

Shri Devi, S. D. K. and John Peter Paul, J.

The present study was aimed to detect the CNS depressant activity of the methanol extract of Laurencia papillosa (Forssakal) Greville collected from Kanyakumari coast, Tamil Nadu, India on albino rats. Chlorpromazine (3mg/kg) was used as standard...

Sartaj A. Ganie, Shoukat Ara, Saakshy Agarwal, Mohamad Aneesul Mehmood and Rouf Ahmad Bhat

Sulphite pulping of non-wood herbaceous test species Datura stramonium stalks collected from outskirts of Srinagar city of Jammu and Kashmir was investigated for pulp and paper production. Proximate analysis, chemical characterisation of black...

Rahmadsyah, Muhammad Adam, Hendra Syahputra, Kamaruddin and Munawir

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how KM practices can facilitate the improvement of organizational performance of Baitul Mal Banda Aceh City. Design/methodology/approach: This is a descriptive research. However, the...

Saad Eid S. Albaqami

This article presents a short overview of how men and women differ in male–female conversations. It also tests gender differences as well as three linguistic tools: tag questions, hedges and controlling talk. The article shows differences on the...

Samatha Yamburi

In the present day context of globalization , rapid changes , technological advancement , faster decision making, quick accomplishments of tasks, cost containment and 24/7 working of the organisations have become quite essential aspects of...

Abhinava Vinay Kumar M., Enugala Vishnu Priya Reddy and Dr. Anil Kumar, M.

In the Ancient time, we knew that Birds are used for the system of communication. Later a cable-based communication was developed and now a day’s wireless communication is running. Right now the development of these mobiles are updated to smart...

Kiran.T. and Sadath Ali Khan Zai

High performance concrete being one of the most widely used concretewhich gives better performance and uniformity requirements that cannot always be achieved by using conventional concrete, since the conventional concrete has limited resistance...

Thejomoorthy, M.

Curcumin is a yellow colouring ingredient of the spice turmeric obtained from the rhizome of Curcuma longa Linn (Zingiberaceae). It has a wide spectrum of biological and pharmaceutical activities such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiviral...

Fermentation Of Tigernut By Lactic Acid Bacteria And Tigernut-Milk Drink Fermentation By Lactic Acid Bacteria As A Potential Probiotic Product

In recent times several researches have been focusing on non-dairy products as alternative to dairy products for the development of potential probiotic products. Different level of successes have been achieved in that regard. Fermentation of...

Vijaya Lakshmi, G.

The aim of this paper is to present a common fixed point theorem in a S metric space which extends the results of P.C. Lohani and V.H. Bhadshah using the weaker conditions such as Weakly compatible and Associated sequence. Very recently Sedghi ,...

Sandeep Purushothaman, Jithin Thomas Parel and Linsu Thomas

Subjective wellbeing plays an integral role in the onset and severity of depression. A one group pre-test post-test study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of selected positive psychotherapy technique called Gratitude Journaling on...

Suba, G., Thirumani Devi, A. and Banu Priya, N.

Background: Adolescent is a period of rapid growth. Even a malnourished child catches up its height in the secondary growth period, adolescence. In developing countries adolescent girls are not given adequate attention. Adolescent girls often...

Jean Florent Romaric GNAYORO

The race for urbanization represented the ideal. The amenities of a man-made living environment had led to the belief that, in comparison, rustic and exotic landscapes were very little. But in front of the plan drawn by the writers, especially...

Pandurang Ingle and Prof. Chaudhari, P.N.

Hydrogen is a pure and renewable energy source, which also has many excellent combustion properties for improving combustion and emission performance of Internal Combustion (IC) engine. Hydrogen has a high flammability, So that there is always...

Ms. Amrita Singh

The Companies Act 2013 regulates incorporation of a company, responsibilities of a company, directors and dissolution of a company. The Act has replaced The Companies Act, 1956. The 2013 Act is divided into 29 chapters containing 470 sections as...

Rawat, K.S. and Sandeep Chauhan

Walker (1950) studied on Ruse’s spaces of recurrent Curvature. Singh (1971) studied on Kaehlerian spaces with recurrent Bochner Curvature tensor. Ishii [8] introduced the notion of Conharmonic transformation under which a harmonic function...

Enrique Nieto and Pedro Alberto Cruz

Sustainability, understood in its beginnings as a common horizon for multiple practices and fields of study, has gradually given way to the development of increasingly sophisticated tools, with distinct dominant meanings established for each...

Ehab Abduraheem A. Mlybari, Imtiaz Ahmed and Muhammad Hasan Khalil

Recently, rising frequency and severity of disasters, occurring primarily due to climate change, emphasize the need for policy, legal, technical, financial and institutional measures aimed at minimizing detrimental impacts of disasters. This...

Md. Nazmul Hasan, Tahera Yeasmin, Abul kalam Azad, Md. Salahuddin, Yousuf Ali, Seikh Masudur Rahman, Sumona Akter, Nazmus Sakib, Mahfuja Khatun and Mostain Billah

The experiment was conducted at Boilor, Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh to examine the effects of a strategic lighting from age day 3 to 4 weeks of production trial on the performance of broiler compared with a continuous 24-hour lighting...

Surabhi Yadav and Nidhi Yadav

Maintaining good soil quality and minimizing soil pollution and degradation is of fundamental importance to preserve quality of ground water, surface water, to give us clean air bountiful crop and forest, productive grazing lands, divers wild...

Alagar, S. and Velladurai, C.

A jersey crossbred cow suffering with dystocia due to emphysematous fetus and its successful management with per-vaginal delivery and ruptured uterus treated with uterine eversion technique has been discussed.

Sinu, M.

Empowerment is a process which generates changes in ideas and perceptions and creates awareness about one’s rights and opportunities for self development in all important sphere of life. Women empowerment is a must for the betterment of our...

Alagar, S. and Velladurai, C.

A clinical case of mummified foetus was successfully managed by using inj. PGF2α in a crossbred jersey cow.

Khaled Sabarna and Maisara Rumman

CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. Patient's radiation protection must, therefore, be increased during CT-scan procedures. This requires a review and evaluation of the radiation dose in CT examinations. This study aims...

Dr. Hemlata Nikhil Raval and Anjali Karolia

Fabrics for apparels, where comfort, durability and fit are the main criteria are manufactured with incorporation of Lycra. Stretch has fairly obvious impact on comfort, adding flexibility and freedom of movement. This research was carried out to...

Devang Gandhi

A study has been carried out for the evaluation of water quality Index in Dudhani village. Open well water sample were taken from Chokipada, Ruepada, Tokarpada, Kalmadevi,Navapada and Boripada locations and observed for the chemical and...

Venkateswara Rao, S., Anitha, M. and Padmalatha, K.

Aceclofenac in combination with Paracetamol is now available in the market and indicated in pain, fever etc. These tablets manufactured and marketed by various multinational and local companies. In this study eight marketed brands of Aceclofenac...

Anteyi, W. O., Onuoha, S. O. and Feyisola, R. T.

This study assessed the phytoremediation potentials of common tropical hyperaccumulator plants for their germination, survival, and phytoextraction abilities of Tin from polluted soils. Familiar Nigerian crop specieswhich include Sorghum (Sorghum...

Suganya, V., Anuradha, V., Syed ali, M., Sangeetha, P. and Bhuvana, P.

The antioxidant properties of both encapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin has been verified by various methods. Generally astaxanthin is considered as a powerful antioxidant compound when compared with other carotenoids. Encapsulation was...

Linda Syofyan, Tesri Maideliza, Syamsuardi and Mansyurdin

The wood anatomy of Fabaceae tree species was studied in four locations of tropical rainforest West Sumatera Province, Indonesia using survey method. Samples were collected from trees having minimum diameter 20 cm, and parts of stem about 120 cm...

Kannadhasan, R., Saravanan, D., Subhash Chander and Murugesan, S.

A new series of novel 2-oxo-6-(5-methyl-[1,3,4]-thiadiazol-2-yl sulfanylmethyl)-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives (3a-h) were synthesized by Biginelli reaction and characterized by elemental, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass spectral...