Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Communication, conflict and crisis management

Communication is an indispensable tool in business and in all human organization. This is to say that no organization can exist or succeed without effective communication. Also of great relevance when it has to do with managing conflicts and cries. In human relation there is bound to be conflicts due to differences in the way people perceive things, their divergent interest needs, goals and personalities. No society can survive without conflict, but can thrive better under discordant voices. Conflict is inevitable in human society, whether formal and informal conflicts or crises, can be managed and resolved through effective communication. Based on these the paper adopted three conflict models: Structural /Six Hubs Wheel Model of Conflict Management, the Structural and Process Model, Skchammer and Conflict Management Model, it also employed empirical secondary data. The finding of the study opines that effective communication has been proven by research and experience to be at the heart or centre of effective crisis management. It further concluded that the best antidote in crisis management techniques is consistent and persistent communication, with consistent communication and thoughtful planning, one is better prepared to counter crisis successfully.

Touitou, Tina, C.
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