The proximate, mineral composition, physico-chemical properties and fatty acid compositions of oil extracted from cricket (Brachtrupes membranaceus) were investigated. The result of the proximate analysis showed that the insect have ash, moisture, carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of 6.40 ± 0.11 %, 4.50 ± 0.51%, 25.13±0.13%, 16.80 ± 0.22% and 18.52 ± 0.12 % dry weight respectively. High proportions of sodium, potassium calcium, iron and phosphorus (127.50, 72.50, 9.21, 27.10 and 126.90 g/100g were detected respectively. Manganese, zinc and copper were also detected with K/Na ratio of 0.57 ± 0.02. The oil extracts exhibited good physico-chemical properties with varying proportions of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids which have potentials to be developed for food or pharmaceutical uses. The acid value and free fatty acids were low confirming the stability and edibility of the oil. With the high carbohydrate, crude fiber and mineral contents, cricket could serve as an alternative source of protein and other nutrient supplements in human and animal diet.