Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Social Sciences and Humanities

Perceptions of self, education and the value of coaching: possibilities to improve engagement with learning in a post-16 educational setting

Living educational theory (LET) research provide spracticalenquiries into education in real life contexts. This form of research provides a platform for examining coaching, particularly in the context of students’ perceptions of self, education and the value of coaching. Coaching ispurported to be a powerful developmental tool. Concepts and models of coaching are briefly presented. Thereafter, a description of a pilot study into how student perceptions of self, education and the value of coaching may contribute to engagement with learning is provided.

Cooperative protection between lawyers and judges: bench- bar relations

On the eve of retirement of Chief Justice of India, Justice H.L. Dattu when media person quipped that he was being tipped as the next Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, Justice Dattu aptly remarked “Prabhu ki Kripa”. A Thomas could raise eyebrow on it whether it qualified a reward to him for enriching the relationship between Bench and Bar. Ultimately Justice Dattu has been credited with coveted post of chairmanship of NHRC.

Political refraction, public policies and educational legislation in brazil: the beginning of a long discussion

The present work consists of an essay with the objective of discussing the possible applications of the concept of Political Refraction (SANTOS, 2012) to the analysis of Legislation and Educational Policy. To this end, we seek to apply this concept to the analysis of the foundations of the Brazilian legal system (taken in its mediation with Politics) with regard to Educational Legislation.

Tagore as a skilful artist dealing with the theme of tyranny and freedom along with the conflict between truth and beauty and between love and duty: an appraisal

This paper throws light on the theme of tyranny and freedom in the works of Rabindranath Tagore. As an outstanding modern playwright, he has beautifully projects the conflict between the truth and beauty, love and duty throughout his plays in different form. Thus, this paper proves that Tagorean dramas are in quantity and quality.

Socio-historical approach of emancipation movements in Africa

Semantically, the notions of culture and media remain different. However, they are not antinomic, but rather, complementary in terms of their social functions. In fact, cultures are conveyed by individuals and can only be expressed through them (Abdallah-Pretceille, 2001). That is why it is generally accepted that one cannot claim to know the cultural identity of others without communicating with them, without exchanging, without allowing them to speak, to express themselves as a subject. The media intervenes precisely at this level, to play this important role.

Evaluating hygienic practices in restaurants (‘chopbars’) in subin sub-metro, kumasi

The purpose of this study was to find out health implications of food from restaurants on consumers in the Sub in Sub-Metro in Kumasi. Descriptive research design was adopted to guide the study and the instruments used were questionnaire and observation checklist. The data collected to answer the research questions were analysed with frequency, percentage and pie charts. The result from the study revealed that personal hygiene practices were very low in the ‘chopbars’ visited. Hand washing and handling of foods were found to be unhygienic in the ‘chopbars’ surveyed.

Impact of Work life Balance on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study On Women Employees In Banking Sector

Organizations are continuously looking for new ways of doing business in order to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic Business environment. Given the time and energy people at the workplace, it is important for employees to be satisfied about their life at work. Time pressure is a serious problem in Today’s workforce, with ever increasing numbers of workers bearing major responsibilities at home and meeting higher job expectations and large demand at work. A mismatch between family and work roles can be disadvantageous for both employees and employers.

Tagore as a skilful artist dealing with the theme of tyranny and freedom along with the conflict between truth and beauty and between love and duty: An Appraisal

This paper throws light on the theme of tyranny and freedom in the works of Rabindranath Tagore. As an outstanding modern playwright, he has beautifully projects the conflict between the truth and beauty, love and duty throughout his plays in different form. Thus, this paper proves that Tagorean dramas are in quantity and quality.

Efffects of Duration of Time In Prison on Inmates’ Psychological Well- Being And Resilience Mechansims

The aim of the study is identifying the relationship between duration in prison and common components of psychological well being (i.e. self esteem, social skill and stress) among prisoners in the correction centers and resilience mechanisms. Institution based cross sectional descriptive survey was used. In line with the quantitative design, the systematic random sampling technique was used to select a firm participant. Additionally, qualitative research approach is used purposely to dig out the hidden information.

Socio-emotional competences as a strategy in the formation of graduates in preschool education

Socio-emotional competences are those strategies that are useful in the school context, since they allow mobilizing the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to express one's own, with total freedom and derived from emotional intelligence, which is the ability to identify emotions, be aware of oneself, recognize that of others, control them and easily adapt to different circumstances; what allows to create positive relationships with others and understand and regulate yourself and your own emotions, thoughts and behaviors.