Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Social Sciences and Humanities

The Prediction Of Learning Achievements Assessed In The Management Of Department Regulation, Learning Climate And Interpersonal Communication

The aims of the study: This study aims to know whether or not the influence between the Management Studies Program (X1), a climate of learning (X2) and Interpersonal Communication (X3) to Science Faculty-student learning achievements Physical Manado State University (X4). The implementation of the research is divided into two stages, namely: the first stage of the test instrument, the second phase of the actual research. Method: The research method used in this research is the survey methods and techniques non-test.

A study on examination stress and academic achievement in science among Higher Secondary School Students in Villupuram District

The various approaches to Educational thought have been classified as conservative versus liberalistic, traditional versus modern, and so on. What we call as conservative position in education finds its origin in the educational thinking of Plato, a Greek philosopher, and his contemporaries. Many traditional philosophers, who were also the educational thinkers, believed that man is composed of body and soul or mind, of which mind is the knowing aspect of man’s nature, while the body is the sensing and feeling aspect of his/her nature.